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- Bath County News-Outlooki
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- Owingsville, Kentucky
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1 I ts 2 I tb I I I I 1 4 a I 1 I a I II I 4ERL a r1e9 wank 1 IThkht Etzt I Bradbury on gefry street The weokold boy baby I Mr i and Mrs VYnu Moore oM near OlympU died Monday nglw If you want fin auctioneer Lam fyour icnii Terms reasonable FARlp I TbQ ster were srnotherfcd to death the Itast xreok by strawstack fulling oh fl them 1 LOST Yearling steer red letter on one hip Address COLOXCL GATEWOOD Ewington Ky or vro pjartU OUTLOOK olllco 4irT Shrout livid it yoar bya 7deep I ppolon Mr Slitout IS towni jIOST liHO nd foUiv eotler very ti missing 3 weeks TkLibVrai reward ijr her roxurn to ESRT HOPKINS he ej7tI Ington LA mnng A nDd over the hneMn thitobunty therowasa very little snoxv any where I ACCTIOX 1 will have an auction ii aloof boots shoes hats caps urday ED ETa Forgo Hill Ky i arlety batfe oYShe said ows of grains erI I WnrneS I11TL flT1II tIOt eetl Ico1cr nd cut 1 I ISunday Sunday color1 hf fovpheRdX Sul Ken if 1 whilefr rew credit I of Hnth srka1 an ta1t iCWOflL suhJec to a ocr COfld1L1n which 7 been removeL Cfltera the ltit6 the race run 1I I Foi Foigilt gilt or iC 3 do gun toop COt2EIStiIig foot maI tool klfldgof or I Tgufl rcpflJrR a also 8 bicycJe brech1oading nd gubs No Othorh Othor Jihop town J4 I PowE IOWiflgsfl1e uora1 Furnih1ngR Prp mptal eUIpxnQnta and mnderii al 1a dealer erv 1cc8 infurnl rII decrJptjone furnl ture nee 4btOre Call and See Tl I Purcliaatng OlSewhere We flPAflI OWiflgVi0M Sf JeLi IiE8e 3 ha unerafrDfroetor StI 4 UNDEfl1T Sdu Wayg keepc full at have line ot a nat IIO rbeBnd caskts on hand r7 in haxuid I3 0lik yearsexporjence In tb tbCre thdertnking buslnesg andiys Cre pepg tItwith iys the rw tte times Ho lo ld dwe dead tWOIIpIoma for embalming lie Mr 8 3tcom Fb MEAfORIALJSILvIc Mai1kI 0 Wwill bold memorialr lodgoi A St I cleeg Sunday In honor of yGordon bx Upchurch the founder the order The 808810i wi Perr epen to the pUb1IOd bald 0one Jr44 Courthoue beginning at 3 Ocjorato rq Fb iI 4j OU19REWJj8 QIAuTEn8Oc1 jets a Chndlor l1Weekremoved Store zf iclothitig BtorefP1 rhe removed lag Pocket to Miss Jeanle EIte8 Pocket8rw toreronm on Maln0 hnndeom jgroce 1 hag atxpIe rooa to Wcre Count td hf Countorote zik idly increashig bUnbbus1n dmoqtratedtt bus1n ALj fm the Frell hburg ha boutday 1I tofowIngtr0 of land on fit widell forr Ibewbry oil fle1t for tion purpose oil speet the 1O8nere Job Ii tract of Medley for 350 ha Il1II aere of Joh it ma Sponcl a a 7or 100a tract of Taylor Dowii 8tenti or 800 50 acres of Jo6eph Ilicy and in for250 Mr tS lug PUBLCSALEIwifi eireeldence about 3 wifi Wiles scllat three toni Ow iugsvHfe on thaw Ho ha Rico farm to the hfgiet Wilder Snturd11I farmI fltO qu J80 17 1903 the I tomer GiIggyiilid fOllowing I toLr liprne 1Jiey Jiey lt VHgOI NeConIck Coloro iea Ineino and used two Sears nil anddelive i klndnt Whet9i Whet9 7 7 frrnIng implements IIOtshcld and kitchen fIlrnJLtro his sto Trziii JI wade known day ofaa1e liantile ofaa1etiling 7 R0BERTS tiling i a1idit 1 1 A I ri jt 1a i1r 1 1r iii a 1ii1f Sk5 eI 5 sSw i ti ng Sat 1 to toi obrtvi1Io Oalvln returned Monday trip to Paris and Lexington Little Harriott Paxton in improv i ins nicely from his spell of typhoid favor favorThomas Thomas Jones wont to Louis villn Monday to attend tho tobacco salesWallace Wallace Embry and Ilnrry Miller of Mt Sterling were in town Sun day night Gain Gault wont to Ashland last week to spend soveral days with his tiri er Paul Mrs James flatewood of Ewlng ton cauio Monday to visit her sister MrsJElva Catlett Misses Sallio EstiU and Uf lla ttIrt vens of Grtuigo City haveYntercd Mrs CoraConners school Jack Qatowoottf of Ewington spent Thursday niglit as tlio guest of Jobbua Ewinjj near town Reynolds Lotton and sister Miss Liura of Millersburg were gnu sts of Miss Cluru ttascom Monday Mrs Hugh Cox after a visit to her father CupU yf 0 Conner returned euptISaturday home to Uardstown Saturday Miss Mamie Sullivan after a visit Kov Pahnoter returned nonie to Mt Sterling Saturday rI Mrs John Richards after a visit to relatives returned home to Knox i JUo Tiihn Wodnutiday of lust I week i Sait 1 i4 il UJ 1i on John ft1rrI xjdioi itc Avenue Douglas Smlthiof Covington paid UJ a pvtjijit call Monday Ho will i ri vii 1111111 Mturhoruood a yet a pjioberfZiwtnetmnn went Irtfl 4iIns trip for yin svlflu Mui nud Granito Co I ThfiB ilcClintook amVi 8K Mr and Mw ami Monday Mrs John qoyle nV Knnie Hnmiltbn of lower iriekl kSil gottinc along nicely Irom 1 uttack of typhoid fover AJapl uoo Ciwiiuj ivston i44uriil Uiat week fron a vujt to LexTiiKjou nifSt Ht his ist Mrs Ohas njarJtOaJiourUo Rox Cornellson has rcr i to Central University Uanv aftcr fathamB fiiliCrnolkun Ito en the Kuest ftf Mia May 1 air tot Iek I Mrs ti itt I ennedYr ltt I 5Otore Otoreqlilt to uu qlilt Is zi etj tli aicccer HPtIflcsItl In tho thoat proinoi at t1ieb jg ISn WLiato CouIty is In oct nine Lepet TronioveU ASt flbut Upper j1ikiy Mrs 0 0 Starling 1iUtilrt Mt hic1i lz wont Grand 1i idsT who is Weukdj010 Mr gi tart I itifts knov 1 Mjs lend lIora Satit ttIyvls1toth Jolui pubII0 OIJaJJoj1iO8 of iO8 Monda3 1uosclayeft with bb itton ide oi 13 ti tiarIon ie oouilty They aroCo an nif are Wished lioIth Co it PrOsperIty in bapj less their now 1io Mr anl I ar fll4YnoIdv1lJo Stowatof nu lurbday from Visit ot reti1rflot I t1we eks a their fleflrlV JL ffltt2ter aye at Mflflclieater iIrj 3r ila highly OnjoailO VI Icy Str ewart Snys tb0 visit 3Ir tito uch cts are like similar Bath country flint the Is pi 2fea The ve the oil fever nun people tOb VQ been 0rgflfl1z es ban bana ek Bath Mr Stewart COunty yery of mu Sb small was strj 1clan liutUber of ofcolored llingjn tlifltsectfon poop In Vn5 an Mrs uruies0t ii she May iit eup1sj210S 3 oR RENTBoardinghOiiso Was St dwelflnghouso a nyoun 4rooWi Hig Ii br a Over Efljfitore Miss Jin fitorelug DATE GROCRT nab Coon last Sati 1V On SattrtirI of those I how gaolJne rs Put In their tobr Storebo110 Wachjne Winte fiupplies three nd brilibanhi ga paren at a Ies coft than lights the up light their gell chro as cost them heretofore rotofore This Mi ag one of the bestequjpp0 er ry 8tores tne to Jie found in ry tolvfl Thoj storeroow any game epecinily for the stid ea or on of the grocery passed most prow corner8 in town well being glass front nd Itlo lighted 11103 door tio with when lofty Ceiling 11 Ocl oorspacefsfldmfbludap playcd dtPlayiog goods Which the Mr Frank CZy uhf Perry baa tifuily advantage of and withed by ate bias arranged Ins Itibra on teck in SUCh porhsu eloquentJyja at ters ce rry alertand with a ra bef eqtiaj fcbtMt ordinary SaleRwen tO0JiOt trleki ick to and meet propectjr iandpnhfe propectjrAn ho 4enieunor antjObliging I deligh porter and 0lOJiaspniz ring gool Vagon hostess in tow PrQ1fltJyihighes kee re keeguests 8trletly guests taj0 a the besquhiYf and with th besquhiYfOvary Iii liii 1n Ovary knowit iewa0 here ltlly rCaSonabe prlc5 prlc5tel4 a a 1 4 51 I 5 5r L1e ath Co Hoani viior williueet aga 11 nextwcbirto give hei ties Those lax li tliIn rniped Tho tnsnblo ppWbrty l4 Uath county will bo considerably increased over Ieztr ins to assessments of oil propcrtv One ndCOiflatiY field were assessed at 500uO THE HANDSOMEST OP CALS 1 Wo are in receipt of ono i Mr4 Porcells beautiful caendars It certainly is a beauty of the bounties Mr Parcel is ono of the bestknown insurance men in the Stato and has a very largo clientage in Until county THE OUTLOOK joins his legior of friends in wish ing him a happy and prosperous Now Year with mat ly returns of thin same sampTllS TllS CONFEDEUATK IlonnCol Ewing returned Thursday from attending meeting at Lou isville of the Trustees of tho Con federate Veterans Home nt Peewee Valley Tho old oil leers were re elected The trustees voted to raise funds for an infirmary and other improvements at the Home Thorn are sixtyfive inmates and seventeen more applications hare been favorably passed on Mae AnuAM HEXHUIXS DEATH Mrs Abram Hcnrlhx died of i i ight8 discii TAV MX Liut her home tiji noriieri jfIt of the county and was burie Friday Deceased was about 1 years of age Her maiden numi was Hendrix She leaves two sons and two daughters iMoses and Frank Hendrlx Mrs Vice and Mrs Jacob Boyi 1 alL residing I iii the samo section of the county Deceased came of a family of peo plowho are noted for the bxcellence their citizcnliijU and tble industrious highly Ueful moinbors of society Deceaseds sons and sonBinlnw are prominent in their community The mily li vr tin pyinpatliy of innumerable rcaveracnt friends in their be WILL IscoitroBATe Tiro recent ly formed Tobacco Growers Assjj1 ciaton of Kentucky will mcorpor alp This decision was arrival tt the session of the Executive Ci Peinittee ports from organizers were heard Hnd it then developed that growere controlling CO per cent of the BurX Icy crop tiara tilrendy joined tli4 A social ion and the project eIiwbOtr cent iilsantbi lPfl1f rity ill Vitinty SjSullivan of Vt vrd CoUntyVN Uiley of Owen I BiclcTCounty and John Hughes of Mer juintv rrhitl cum iileorpuratioflPOn pspers and to report to a meeting 4 meetingf I held in V0UvnioJttj23th Western tobacco Journal PRTJESiio iio lrogressivo end ire party att the New Owing lion so TliuudiiiM Ttnirsdyiglit flair forty I Our Players loven hible hibleg part in thej ame Tho llyer8 bL insisted ofbL equal nJwbor of hat lies and ewen gen ttie The conteSt Vita spirited if reans Srs rs ij Taubbee war I the largest liv mber of games and Oilier ladjog wire among the forenj oat in the tta 1Cufameg A cojoreilwh whiag iag bandusie pirtof during 1 Jn 111thture lite6 accompanin cnt to the by Mrs Wnide enl enldied reIells wiiin inmj mjStrele She played warmly The game S5 time oi a bOut bOut00cloCk 00cloCkwhen a fi 10 served After SUpper plo ger folks su pper the in repaira1 ti nd anjoyed par when danceue made ue fliarr by Air Waldo on ti 0 and later on the Yiolj ii p1 Fridayeveg Mr and Mrs ard Gudgellwho who are eak going after up hou Oopiflg for tii and boar with the thets ts Mr Ire lIeugave gave a sk ag progre lye eu iOne One party in honor of the John JCiwbrou boai I with layers Sir beautiful participated in the the most of them here a he play CXPerts miners Very Swil limo all too I her new quickly the so absorbed and inte Iii players Of the that minis egged for onC mon 0 game upper Wag lZtinnuneo ii about popula sey11jock JapapJthe repaired to fl the 1jejfl flfningronni tliatcappointed appointed table sntJ ylight tiC in wa engwas was served in courset I a siLlforiilul pper cotiNlating ofni nilery bnmljy JCTDt JCTDtfcbtMt jsncfi plajstaUIall tLieWrS Xer Qone hand cnIgtlilngur ur or So tcaItiflta delightfulplny nnd a AflervniMhostess 0 estranged and fllr trurnp tIt depart for that coifortable byitOSe wlin rtaliieclq4c7 I 5 I 5 5 5 5 5 5 tfaS 5 4S 5 1 I n4 I 5 5 I 5 5 5 5 yearB Ir Up until 11lrst flUSfl1fl he had bee in the In her bueiness hero TU51 ninga PIing mill and alSO It gr1t milliI iIyoung i unof chutrretr1 although in healti Ii 8attonvivetobusl lie woand unobt ut sterj trt Ho est chii UIcjin nd mothersurvi To llnl ciitr Chancy broe aritfiliIGeo St giea tt si amiiy4aVeintily ot1 host of tkcnhll sorrowt 7 the baa of toad TiTOr IJ BOn brotbM ULV ORI pRANKS Cciii 6WVednesda Vednesda tjj0 weaL er tins be Bincoi ver sinco snow lint on lThJ 103t 103or was Ubovc zero rtdair Wiun nboo Saturday plum i day night it turnip warm slued nnd rained and 01 Sunday tujis ing all outdoors Was coaled ci ice of tho slickest kWv tua perilous traveling on fooVfevgrr wise rita sleet finally fell offia trees but towards Caning the uialuro ran5Jy became coir rS11111e7111It and ist S11111e7111It On Monday rap jg the therm7metet was dowto zero During the mb idied7fjhe day it began tiirnitig colderiRntjat night the mercury vren down ai Ji degrees below zero OaTdeMT morning the as i ettrILta bright sun tana frosV Acccrrs Al r1Rev Briejow on buntfay inning fnd rtglit prenebei3 lits fi irew lI3kr 1flu1d us past Owingeiilo PrSbYteniai cli lie liasfQ tgnd his 4 ves here and at Spril ii ii to necept4ths Cull oiJw ciu at LiflhiiiIICC IS 5 kjugUl change hat tl cal Ii olFr ffl a a rcder ho sI4 S511A tIiQ OnCo the 3Ivt 5 5 VS jS lA1tSSS 1 1tSSS 5 4 I ir 4 1 5 5 5 5 5S 5 i 1 5 5 4 fl nbt I I I last 5 well hv 4 1 5 litdF moul SS 5 5 OJ4 1IUIiIISt not compI ill Ifl her SI5t ytar 8lnco the Aunt Inst We will hitc thee Jr 55 years if We 11171 I tlllfu thof this January tlllfuWo 1oed eda a peaceful and a happy I th all of my troubbos SlIejs tted on me with all kind whlch I opnreciato tUcIj1i tUcIj1ned i ned the Christian church chuirc bin IlC17jtn live a I Jhrisj inCoi May Stt Tie hi 1jfher8s5g9 of Ie5s Oh yhJ0rO I 4riond 1Iid UwDii aLt fyear ogi to oolijf nrnsr his city 1je brj10 Mrs Iilitncftdny Iilitncftdnyied ied to ftrs aehv1Ibe TenJ5 tlia eG IIEc the IiI last Tf lony for wag C9 ieIoverto ke Ing5nf of the 1ovei tjthai lie eatures 1oveir Scfugg In ful Shw2eif tsM nd herfY fniendt 11117 CO wislimccli 1lpinesiv5 Scrugg ieaL51w brilliant Meth e1 the Southai vhterever known IL arS i a misfonar Korea atid is still lCnt ofxnisbon iJrk country and wStrot a few niontlis 4Prc50 aged ingenej il1 the dVv ri Erffr9y55 r9y55 Gill ttr at O10P 5 I 1wr pi jm lila Aointci1 th jumped to 1the pisto shot him 5 10e1it yundI 5 Li Icalibre 5 I 1 I ek 5 I eI 5IS 5S i 5 5 4 5 5 I 5 I i1 4i 4S 5 5 I sY 15 1003 IT RE 5 This year wfc going tn sell better bar gains than have ever offered in the past We dont give baitsbut sell everything at the Lowest price If you are looking for low Prices dont forget we are headquarters rIL ON BWH We have a few LADIES JACKETS FOR SALE AT COST Horse Blankets 1259005 4I Ludio8 Golf Gloves pr 25 I Tpirols pr 50 80 10 PEar1 Buttons Doz 5 Cotton Tape 4 bunches 5 TeloFcnpes 88 74 CO 35 25 Hand Wrist Bags Leather I Brooches 20 Artificial Palnio 50 CASH PAID FOR EGGS 1BT TJfcnT TM Shrouts LW HFUN 1S RENTING OF BATH COUNTY P003 HOUSE FARM siW Bath County Fiscal Cot irt Special Term Dec 29th 1902 100zeceivsd Sealed bids will be ePBivad bv the Fiscal Court on the 20th day Lf January 103 for tho keeping tf all poor porsoiisit said Poor house or that may be committed to said Poorhouse from tlm time beginning on the 1 lst DAY OF MARCH 1903 Bending on the last cia 3 ob ruary WOJh said pours1ittima ti lon clothing 1CLdI1gIjedicnl atter lion and jmiieiu burial ofichi posr 8 ci iy dio dun jag uo 2L14i5 15b aitdor1cupanc of satd 1uLCh conssuof 370 acres tl together with all of the ho cogividd bere will willbe be 65nrm iJut acreg to tobc acres to be 4IIi 3f ai about 10 acre to 4p ilTh5tTuti nil bidimuat with the Count r1t11or renting by Judge Oclockof on i nJw HI i I Ltun34reL1111 wetadow anti ltit firho rentcr to 1iaveJSfl7 Ito crops grown on said place the remainder is in grass consisting of bluegrass jjjjj clover But it IB understood niderstoodbitt attlilfarm farm Wherever directed by the CacimiHsionec 35 acres of wheat in ieu of the 35 acres now growing growingUi place and the said renter till hind himself with good surely reewsnt with thI Commis alI persons inre and keeping Clingt1 to interest of said the in a laiplat SliAfl1e0r 5 I lT fa 5 i 5 4TAI I a similar loss Li Ifflw after uPClii rldron png ilto COUIIS etituJfland etituJflandtJj tJj iagain br oughpfhow tiofl the rangc1pooroflesf sonIon I9ah1 IborSday rSday Jol1 VIni Jam JamAing Aing from Shryk 7Lid Steers ok iTci Gtz PSuUrg ar the Flat Creekar uy reman kedjper Wanted to a hector and Crug ITbo8 ad ay himad aidi Owed him a email i mules a fiCI to 8 um Job Job1uid Gu a Ir flear by Izsazor IzsazorhO heifer 300 ge1John tyloni beu I 1uucios nesahdit t0111thatJared IJOOupftst tJared James rm4SJ 4SJ a horse li 100 bou Conner for ulq4 ng iii sub ggsVcouldrit get A rPres iesently he left the relODhonn aboMay towrds pistol vfith his left hand HAKDgoi overcoat pocket and Shirley oh weapon at My May the adverti towards Guy wh turnad great swil towards Scrug1s and kindly Tem TemIn inttictlnga V8rydaerous Will is ar The weapon waS0f 38 friend4e friend4et ty 55 I 5 tSl 5 I 5 c1 15 4 a I fI a 5 a 5 4r 4 5 jAa 5 i jP4S iLES 1 AHNESS Why buy shoddy socalled bandmade or rnaubliiemado Saddle or Harness when you con get strictly fl8tcliss Roods made right here at hom*o and made out of the lest oaktnnnedft leather and by men that only make firstclassvvorfc Our KENTUCKY SEBIJiG SADDLE Is tho easiest and easlestr thing and most durable caddie ado If you try ono sot of our handmade buggy ImKiess you Trill always use them I have the best hue of saddlery goods In this part of the Stato I am Yours for best saddles and hcrneis EUGENE MINIHAN OWINGSVILLE x4 5 44 4 8 SAM ATCHISON JS 20 15 10 3217 FDE WIIISKIES WIE8 TOBACCO CIGARS 5 4 3 25I FOR riENfiWQnEN and CHIjDREN MAPlE IN LOUISVILLE JIY1T A Notice WITH LOUISVILLE OAKTANNED SOLESthc bestwearing leather in the world Dust Tana DustlaniHearth Hearth Broom Lanterns Gee Whiz Sonp No 1 Lamp Chimneys No 1 Lamp Complete Leather Half Soles pr Coffee Mills Safety Pins Des Stand and 3 Lasts urt Special ForFiscal Fiscal Courtsale by Judge of PublicNo Bath County Fiscal Court Term Dec 29tb It is ordered by the ljatl1 county that th Wil Court and Bath County give stockCICIVVU any of the turnpi roads of tii county which am owned by sv county will for each offence I barosecuted the law prohibit ig SUChi4tur05 dfrec te And the coromis ioners of roeroad districts are to report all ofTen ces of thisT 35t4 in their respective districts to i the ii i County Atirney who shall procure warrants for iach offender and prosecute such offender as tho law directs It is further ordered that all matO holders owning or in any way goy erning land lying andi adjacent to any of the turnpike rood owned by Bath county must within 12 months from the let yof Jan nary 1803 remove or cause to be removed all fencing wherein same lameis the upon right Ctif cept where the same has betn erect fd hy conient of governing author Dty fath county And all persons fail I kiiTiyt it era of each ofIlath Bath county bo reported to the At Attorney on such information proceed as the law directs to have such obstruc tions removed and the proscoated coated for same JNO A DAUGHERTY 110i A copy altoac Peters Clerk By Peter I Jno A Daugberty Pre Judge of the Bath Cou 2ii cal 2 Court in pursuance11O rder of said Cour eve hereby PUBLIC give 7r to all allOfl9j Ofl9j Ofl9jat ii who ibato may of th0 abo re 8 saidor lJ4 n8e ore late a from these Cho itJanunry let 1ooO abc 0 Ali lin16in n16in I Clf5 A I Olflt Dazyiti3 ho horwo 5 ea rnny a fe no degrees abi Dye pr zero roads Cov coversdiviub jto Wade Ce diVWade danger SeuVcling eetod attendan tee Monday butafzijr of people braved Bpnink STAT rotids andca0 the lveather Count ca0 to iYith only a fOpjons itunkI iereltants Opjons report Yule i had COllectIons Small busjn 81 Very the tor CIoere only about im2 to ie catl Urie market1 Ur zbank helterg and Wrnon andrirera rirera Sdt 1 A rcattle oStatead reOtflCjai es Clark ad thetJii bou2Iit made of Lathyet madeIding 4 Os 11 EtOW and liw five Sold calves 18 Myc 18JJu Gnd JreonwadobOUhfliuo iVci iVcimanager OtDjck aUra mu8 for manager es made ciaes Uleinterior Vie0 and 7ii Jeffrau bt tlir Ate lie Walls 72J 50 lay respectively flOtai Dat bo Igas Geoniie ci5ehi orseforio lightedan tIoLa18 an or a mare EI biIJJardSfledoar Sfledoar Li flldow ougut a Inn lieMiss ST forma irout ma Clay i JobS am I and Mr5 Gresnwd0 Iland ght a lr 1181edjed 190Lion vjtion of di dientatIve entatIve of the America i place Co was hero ast weeitO fhlOW ut running a branch liii fhlOWjhhlsOilga Wa 2 managerI a tar Chicago manager Icir cirsing theirt Co paeklgtirm StockIiondspIt P0g8Vlhlo boy nnciJt Irehd Irehdproud elected 1 I 7i i iJ pg 4 Is 5 5 5 455 5 5 Oscar Chandler Quarterly Report OP THE OWINGS I ILLE BANKIN 1 COAl tba close of builneta Dec 8 1801 RESOUHCE8 isOftflIflflddIoUfltI ipcured apa to JverttntIs Due from Ntlonal UnntsJ 83 S38Ifron fron trutcnmpantej I OOOOO UankinK House uad Lot Other real estate atm Mortgage US Jtonds Other Blocks and Bond pecle iiSi 5S I 7686 008730 C5 Exchange fiiirS 00 79 Other Items carried ascnsb fKXlOO MWltnm A1ensosiastgua oooco Current expenses last quarter 000 oo erenuostampaccountI VTQ S9lfl 25 tiABiLrriES tli1 capltM stock paid In liii cash ISOfmm epoaitsuo nhIc Interest Knot paid eposttsubjec to chock on which wbIIsoa Demand certiacates of depa its on whicltInereatis paid paidiucerUflciite iucerUflciite of lI1 itai e4vtIPtI Vtr1t4itUatknai kI flue trust ken iTr ii I cumpnea cumpneaCasb1ursck oa oo I hut redlscnuntj redlscnuntjUnpiiid Unpiiid dIvl4snds TaxeduoflUdflntd SSe stock not tid Iliulnnco Interest nccount accounlosses losses iuterest etc iiyS Inl K831 110 5 IS 7i4 0 2icdi ortlrtn Cbtcunessot Iie COflp1107 llabIlItor or arm tho tuollubu a niombcrs directyor niombcrsIrectlj Intl 4Itdebtodueas ia PerI and actual stock actoanyatolsor UttlflbflhtkJIo atolsor JIo is Item I indebiednesa In above ftighestauountot Statntea oahlydIrectororomOfsu mite Jtednes I Ofsu ZUtlObtJg amount per co eeds fffSfth Paklup cap at iAQ Ilow iii uon alflo Kentucky utatui1 Woo i lLtnteiurro Iflds3 of I InlOd Oflipanyomflrw liability or the hoindIvItlual the llflbJ lily or XCSed ttj fl1emIrc hereof per nt andaciuni orUpcnp noufltofiatdiid itO 0 alI1ossa 180 and tuZat1ie intern ij t1ie efroui mt oOts znthe net ered by th dij0 the POri12e irriethe beor idend salU dOCltej dOCltejectzon ectzon Yea A Cdhtlt Ol1op7T 2 bani baniy fMai flROWN laid ngcoa jj CoBbler ot forgI I UIIUjj bus tt mid C300Ly 1 ogofl raprt being duly 1bCLI raprttilt thecondzti00 rca pocrgat0 hatb ot ot IlC3SI bUtl5 osrlUbatik lb osr i beI or bit kUoWiedge lay otJthai thHray nclb1lt thai tb5r Ib bUizi1 nclb1ltWitiie been trinucjed a uf hltli Witiie and no eIIewb Lba Ioej SPOroL port IN made inllILtttIhC OItt q5S CootIco report designnti the tron the Sectiiry8W0r0 on Which 3tt tlay td 8W0r0 auc ropr szizi jpj nod 1wnrn to beforo UCaabler me I ho id da or by LLGUlOEtLZotUr jomn1581 iClCIItTrealjt lJaV 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