Ted Olsen
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U.S. isn’t just turning a blind eye to Saudi religious violations—it’s part of it, says report
The death toll in Monday night’s car bombing attacks in Saudi Arabia has risen to 34, but the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said yesterday that the attacks “may be portents of things to come” unless the American and Saudi Arabian governments get serious about religious freedom in that country.
In issuing its fourth annual report yesterday, the USCIRF drew special attention to Saudi Arabia. It’s the world’s top violator of religious freedom, the panel said, but the State Department has refused to name it a “country of particular concern” as it did with China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, North Korea, and Sudan.
“Saudi Arabia is a uniquely repressive case where the government forcefully and almost completely limits the public practice or expression of religion to one interpretation: a narrow and puritanical version of Islam based on the Wahhabi doctrine,” says the commission’s report. “Consequently, those Saudis and foreign contract workers who do not adhere to the Saudi government’s interpretation of Islam are subject to severe religious freedom violations.” Followers of other religions—even of other forms of Islam—are detained, imprisoned, and tortured, the report says.
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“These are not idiosyncratic American perceptions of religious freedom,” said USCIRF vice-chair Michael Young. “We don’t understand how one could not name Saudi Arabia as a CPC. Saudi Arabia has been explicitly left out of any [State Department] citations.”
At yesterday’s press conference, chairman Felice Gaer was forceful: “It’s time to apply the same standards to Saudi Arabia that are applied elsewhere,” she said.
And there’s no time like the present, added Young, who is dean of the George Washington University Law School. “The stars are aligning to make the timing right on this,” he said “As there has been more and more scrutiny on what has happened within the country, [the Saudi government itself] has begun to be more sensitive to the international expression of concern.”
But not pressuring the Saudi government is just one of the ways the U.S. is being complicit in terror against the country’s religious minorities, says the commission. There are reports that U.S. businesses are themselves engaging “in practices that constitute or facilitate discrimination or violations of religious freedom or other human rights.”
Saudi Arabia received the brunt of the commission’s criticisms yesterday, but the report details what the commission has tried to do about oppression in several other countries, with Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia, and Vietnam receiving special reports.
“The groundwork is being laid in Afghanistan for a government almost as repressive as the Taliban,” commission member Leila Sadat said. But commissioners are having difficulty investigating claims of torture and mass deaths thanks to “a brick wall” from the U.S. government. “We don’t even have a copy of the [proposed Afghan] constitution,” Sadat complained.
The issue in these countries—including Iraq—isn’t the separation of church and state, said Richard Land, a commissioner and Southern Baptist leader. “If a country wants to give preference, if the citizens of that country decide they want to give preference to a particular religion, they have the right to decide to do that,” he said. “What they don’t have the right to do is to say we will then punish you, discriminate against you, persecute you or kill you if you change from that religion or if you choose to be of another faith and want to express that faith.”
Our earlier coverage of persecution in Saudi Arabia and what the U.S. should do about it includes:
- Flogged and Deported | What you can do to help persecuted Christians in Saudi Arabia (May 7, 2002)
- How to Confront a Theocracy | The most effective way to address human rights in Saudi Arabia may be to let Muhammad do the talking (Jeff M. Sellers, July 3, 2002)
- Speaking Out: The USCIRF Is Only Cursing the Darkness | The increasingly irrelevant U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom seems intent on attacking even those countries making improvements (Robert A. Seiple, Oct. 16, 2002)
- Speaking Out: USCIRF’s Concern Is To Help All Religious Freedom Victims | The chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom responds to Robert Seiple’s claims that it is “only cursing the darkness.” (Felice Gaer, Nov. 7, 2002)
- Cry Freedom | Forget “quiet diplomacy”—it doesn’t work (Michael Horowitz, Feb. 26, 2003)
- | Polemics at home and abroad does not prevent religious persecution. (T. Jeremy Gunn, Feb. 27, 2003)
- We Must Never Be Silent About Suffering | The CT religious rights debate continues (Michael Horowitz, Apr. 7, 2003)
- Diplomacy, Not Denunciation, Saves Lives | The CT religious rights debate concludes (T. Jeremy Gunn, Apr. 8, 2003)
Persecution updates
A Yemeni court was bombed today, leaving a judge and three others injured. It’s the same court where Abed Abdul Razak Kamel was sentenced to death Saturday for killing three Southern Baptist missionaries in late December, but the harmed judge wasn’t the one who passed sentence. Police have a suspect who has reportedly confessed, It’s not certain that the courtroom attack is directly related to Kamel’s sentencing.
“The Commission has grown increasingly concerned about abuses of religious freedom in India,” says yesterday’s report. Now it has one more reason to be concerned. A group of 10 to 15 youths attacked a Christian meeting in Dharwad, injuring at least two. As is common in an increasingly militant Hindu state, the Christians are being portrayed as the villains in the story.
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- Also: Sci-fi offerings prey on our fears but offer a sort of religious hope, too (The State, S.C.)
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Church and state:
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Politics and law:
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- Senate to take up global AIDS bill | Focus on the Family calls for support of bill that passed House (Family News in Focus)
Missions and ministry:
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- Teen Light Shows Christian Way | Bi-monthly Christian magazine is edited by teens for teens (The Daily Record, Dunn, N.C.)
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- Boom year for Salvation Army | This small evangelical denomination has assisted more than 42 million people during the fiscal year 2002 (UPI)
- California native walking cross-country for God | This is the eighth time Chuck Johnson has walked across the nation carrying a cross (The News-Enterprise, Hardin County, Ky.)
- A call to all Christians | Pastor takes to the streets, seeking an end to violence (The Post-Standard, Syracuse, N.Y.)
- On a mission | Their presence is sometimes unwelcome as well as illegal, but Christian evangelists proselytizing in Muslim countries say they are there to relieve suffering as much as to win converts (Newsday)
- Aid vs. evangelism | Some say Christian missionaries to Iraq should provide food, but not force-feed their message (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
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