The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

It gm' Sr aWaamw. WHir tWirrM atrroeilrii VrSrr enrwta'iig tamrwUtt frb lraJTrfwwwwjai 177 ttuT wfjinOlMiwuLlaiim nt raina, ftMJRamnt itt 11.., Ti i 8t B' iniv4 ra sSk: JlSKCHWuRSAr, Dm. 1 itflhEittiZfurmimmtflm wnin by she firisjin bo turalilwoil In tacmtatsae7 tary a war. Imwfebl PIMM WtM elOm ruiwo, then tetpfl ttatTeso aha Court. KM Wisher WJnato MtMk 'armmbi gfrfm iha a aaaanmemniam Act Ida WBMSW Aum VaBtafacewaatatetejann datholr Tim mat im.I wit.

a rata nd Uu'kMnnikttd lot thara ehem rhw inmattr remakaed. ia caarti dkrraeoat trniWlIW job wu or wnicn tktlQCOBTeaUaeif WXilAptrmm ww tidtnmehtb KBWfrt. t'ScODodtT, hi had la no he VMM wbatbw UirifBW wwtlaW tatamta, imWat jn mbe far tht iStueah Cotued that bclr'vatlaeattaM tbeenlng peeae they cam ra tW eoast, tin nfebmaiab' anon cad the others ecaiU.aaaeid indrawn nrf eKtrmUUatiMwiamtfaitc In bTa th rVmr, chat ataht I6Td PnTXAV aM the, wm TeTyiaUBjie.render i MwininrfiriiitotbTBtlcBa4lwjT.nfanJ been eaatonwT fcrlbds Jo' occupy the beak ansa ef th coorft'n wcwxVAaxe bWwuhjoct aboaM be named WBoej ol.Wiwka. He ntcKfa(acnad tktthtnnahoaVlJilTtViJHaoa.MesiJta. As rtbcoixJ lufntdco.

ha.Trt tearJ mbU a( atcac tJakkH bMt tb tmaitngg jruiaaiil i pd ai cha aMatt rf tS T4lkMnt WvaMMatari at aTaaiBa, titod of ha would Baratakaavnnatfaar ahvaU laava "tear taed If kT Kd Ircnnnanly. aaannxt thcmadna; but ttiocrbt ClAt anr flf rtiajartfc 'tathl, bte two. kaUa TktCMrt dxb brokt ap. rietnsMr To caanvw dk Cam wifl ait COtntTef OOMMOW Wutkjxitu, Dacfc tBWft CV TtXBAj. ana' 5moW rr.) bjrTnrXD trrffw t.

ttut ajid oo. TWi tm in iiitioa HocaW acainat tW aWtf tbfteMnjtnKBJ af XpataM. lot aa intcavcd otfaM tT tnairelaettBtetdutlt eoada or lafatka avpiicaUt Tk patent waa. daud tW Kuh faBaarr, ikh. ra obbkubui xauaa tizwus aaaaa oo tbt ncord.

let. Ttuu totr were ua lamogc ef7 manC tTht tss pattntvai ebtainad tat pUmSnvRtiM tavtarcwen of tb arcW.Mit.t 3d. Ta Jia artida vtri act, new in Kagaiarl AATTkatthcpattst faodrwtrt bat an ImprorcBwot oa Um aid BUBtttoctora. yiaa aaur, wu UM.inaeuieaaaa nt aar paStsrwaftHit fftninct TWABorwT OtBeiL 3h. Sajcant nide, Mr.

Serjeant Sptiaalfe Mr. Blodxnaritl, ajmaicd far lb pUuatiaVt mUfffSMpKUrtS, and JU BVaaj tat TtM6rJAtthiiatail abuiaadbr tha alaiatiaa em lns(MetdeaaSbdIa tktspedacatiaa. Tba amt wf tonbi BMBBBtfttTt ef trtalnartidcibT aitaaa.ot.UK ordiaarr tnktla tratoe, ocn at, riorw, nlffttcara. jc wctdrttdl oCIadia msber khooli Janaoaaed ru4 ih txMaa rtrt tbm tUaddii ilx atcand objact. wa to nunoSKfttrt ta thf ordlnarr laam an daatls WDalkaalatbaa Mbl cbebif leteedt aodtac third objact wm to.

nrodaoa a cktk; ejwTfiwi cotton, Aaji, or other auIubltniaMrial not rf" Tndiambber eaatcd or wound round witk a iUmanlaiw miiftiiX The laatdbjeet waa arpJird ctirf la ibe men ficUUr a bract ana anneal bas4afaa, aad ioa tntniowauaat lnjh appBcatiaa at altemau iluaadaaf ladla mbbw lilltM Alt iBTWlU km MMUatJbJJMt EMtcmaMkb of tM tncMMf ajJUpigm iawfyouatjaw. iiaaayraua ttw w9 flRtQfl tfffpSMljmmiiaimmk lateaha.aafi laflwaaQWJMMtjiaHwttV7ttaaawwfattaiawt If tElmiM wtta fiNxsmBb It.wtnloVJbt nafatiythan'fflarfnatatiaaw UaioVihti bM Muftthor penob to taka tW daatga n4abtOT afaMMioHtanai ttnawcctaanu qaffiaMav a mamtamrUkUUr of a pansLv Tbajdaawb'bJfctUriaJaawliawdi Ihwiaii aonaldCTwtrt thaa, nm, wbetbat th aWbrtaaW baaVbaaa. paltr ofan InWaganqnu'lMiBy, wnartwrrtai rJariwtlrVbad tmntataaaaarii townJJsv.taalbarthwtartkat fba.rpawia jbaujUaud, tit? atbad aw (W jwaild, thb lad a mdlct tha aUinaaV with da. idaaaicj, at (ha aata aolat at baaa waa. tfaanadhy af tha fm.

TbtJarr Barta raortd fca.a aaart tnsa.atttnaaiaao 'couTtnndlnf aaatdkt faathopl.ltHtk COURT OF XCUQUaV WBowxaaATteou a. Notbina at iaasaalaecaitad todar. aad ahVlkatn naa at ilf pt a'dock lyspL pjtyx Jo. Dadtaw AaWal Unrf I Puuin and UtiCi Jowt. bahaB WdBaUr JadaaBjaor aaaaaMbanf' Mn Ifa ltwt wtrti at ai rtna'riataAwj jgdag wMaaj, ay, MJQMTMQ XVTMLUQMHCM.

taat toa iuwbu. al judLtaLSQaoMB mtt.aanactad ef SSiSSSIi SSiiKiSy iSEi ftiMTi iff aSSXZSSLlV SHSsSaSaSS n.iaQnt. caiB faai MltfrMrcm.l W.laJ Aljjli HI iWal Wl Ii it ibaw ba laMMayiiiiirn tlfaiiaiiWai mgjbt. JLrrwjtiii'w hblfllr iTfraftWl aimni aa ibi fiTl la. miTi a.ninl 'v: TiSJHWiflfe' lifr' iiai i yaiaisVrtaTaiaw aq 'ft3S wiVotbTWkadartaanjJaka4Walru rrr int lESiS2fi, I JfiaTpitn CwdiJl HjMtn MxttactaddaLaBo iftlui' Ul mL pBgVmjaMrbiai iialotati batbtodtof ftiY Sfai.

iJsriti stautQOB RlifelimMtti A 8 NAiiT 'iTbSttiJwSiAaSJundjtbt aaattaBBCat atatad iaat Iraai a amahaaaad tha Miadaenwa oUMw caacarnadtB thtfobtiirj aiaiiliaaal by taw nairuVf: aMbaot. ataia nacaaiwir auaafa." oaraaaq and MtCa, fcrat.botrU,twa taikwa. In tba tMimtt af wfeoa dtbtt laaiiwi PAi' ih aiiiwa otmi ii imnn wafanbia tbaadii laih aiaualan jaBtyihaaaftr'WMtt a laiawtat aad aaina wnimaianaii wra atataa at B.or. ltdta aaaaDtarrtiaiaatrawaayaamaJ Tba iaaalf ana had bwaa Uaaaiiiaai hr tba lata Buaaan. haoXiaak9aatialbtUo aabaohitoOjr taaaadaaUawartaunwdaaiBbMtftlan.

HiahWvMer. af at aaoMtaaaai at aaa iraxnua, waa aaencasw wfch ta rhwfr warp tkrtad, or cotton oord. br wbkb caiblaaiiaa, web wo wndnrw1 kaa capabla aaitlaaaina thaa tba arfld ntcriooalr mnnfatuad. and bauar calcala ttd'fof'tb purpoa of braeca and baadara. Tha a were T'Trrt with 'ii tT.

In Or tabcr, )eHf tbe potest bartsc bcea obtalaad by.tna, jOato tinw aa tot I7tn et jasaazj inc prrrioa rear. An iajmaetioa vaa applied, tornjha Court of Cnanearr to reatnia tbc defaadaata from maBobetBaBf tba artklca la It waa naectea tnat tn eaaaaanonta MMenM tot tawto BTinf Tiuaitrotina fa aayport af tha oat torthtptalaflfl a mi namWt of wit. were caoea to prove; oat tner were taa paooea ay waam the artfcs were oHanaan inremtd and IntroaWad te puUic Dodce. Wltbepeet to the woollen eUaotdoth, it waa oV dad by PtsfeaaoT Fairie and othen to baaa article sf great riHty to'lnxkr there wsistena for wortinf man and aaaasea. br whom atoddnf wrb waa wan, it bom eeujeUy eUttk aoa hollrfeitrrrloottWt.

Aa rtrarded the brace web. wtacb wit tar'Trfndpal atticlc caateoded far by tbt partJea, arreral 1 wHuLaatl wat eaued, woo apace of It aa a gaeat taaproeeaacnt aHihilifT i rr i a more oaetai erode tor atacaa aad tdrfiel bandagei thaa that wkieb watt ia uet aarriooa to fte paarot. Al regvded rarrieai bandagn, both ilr. Ultr, th aaajwaniaiKtoa of fee Rartholnmow'a Uoapital, aad Mr. Hot, mitiaj eztroaitc practice, apace it tbe tA as ttnf I freat iaprorantnt aa that which bad pre TiaaJyVeeB applied la tatfical atra fee biadiaf ditlacated jotats aad broken Emba.

Being toore light, tbe preaaoreec CTiwotd by tbe bandage waa not half to painfal, aad, besides, it 'bad the advantage of aflawiag perspiradao eacaaev It wj fUTTVt frored bf wttaeaaea comeinad with theaaJaaad maabfaetart of brace web, that although Indiewubbe? at eaootcheoe. hd. bees, sard in the minafamire af Braces pre Tiatste tbt ret hadjtfTcrbeen broagat to that degree of ifcxfcetfan of which It wat capable uad that aa tbe alienate priadfU af elastic aad noai attic threads waa introduced to rht trade boa the manufactory of thopiahwtrh PAiftasor Talrie said, that akhoogh ba waa intuaatair ae ouatuad for mar years whh the arte aad oueMnactmae of das coaotrr, and had scene knowledge orery ton of eom madiry produced either by maduaerj or otherwiae, he crrtr knrr ef rCllsteoce of daatic web tutupwad ea the same prindjdetl that for which the rialntrffi haH abuiacd apatnst, untQ tfig'trtlele. appeared which the expaadtag poWg wirengoilai bjr the attveltsrtccorda. etercral brace oaafars, Jwen, aad aperaclTe wearers wesaalso called, who garr.saaflsJ: etidaDce nd aoeoa af.tbe pored, that, wifljoot loatrarttoBs dun those eoataiaed la the apedfirtlldn whieb JOTeared la, the patent ot the plaiadfia, theY were enabled la make the artjeies foe which it wm for the.

defendants a considerable oanber of witnesses were alaowodneed, some at whom dedared that they made and sold the wrb so the clastic and it am riaartr ptindple in the year 183' bat they gare it sp, becauae is had neither the daadctty Dor the firnmeas required, aad retamed to the original article, composed of India nbbtt only, witbaat the interrecdhg Boa elaade threads. One wurer ewort, that ia trying experiments in 1833 be hit upon the aaane plan lor nuking the elastic web aa that which Cornuh and O. had introduced. The thought atrncfc him one night in bed, aad tha ttau day he succeeded in wearing aanilai ardde. He Sold it to a btaeemaket.

It waa about half the price at the original article, bat not so goad. Mr. Oodby, a brsfrmtkrr, asld that the plastic aad nan rhwtie areba were knwa Jo the trade fntir or fire years aga. Ia tbe year 1831 he had maaofactarcd for bimadf oa tbe Hat pria wmeh waa aabeeqnently aaada lata beacea aad sold. Corafch.

oat af the Pltfwrtfft had teaitof the tame wxh. He aaw It oowtpjeaa'aeooater, aad. said it waa a woccr locadsg tbtac. Wtoeastotd him 'that waa a ehoaper ardda thaa the aid. Uaddbe thought be could make it tad took a piece away with him.

Purchased a Mb" see of daatic and non clastic goods from the drtendaats, ia Jtari sad add them to a person named Cos. aeeaa mlttina aeeat. (Cox waa afterwards pcodaced oa behalf of thewUiatiflS Tad be dedared that the job lot which Owdky Mtd Hm was not te dsatic and antwlaartc articla. He ad tBictad. bowerer, la rrnti tminirlnn, that ba4t4 aot aaccQasi wnctaex or no taa weo waa juter BSjCW Air.

isarborpoga, a agent. M'ood and Weethaed, hraca sacattter.wraTed that prior totherwiem woom emptor eq ta mac tog hhn thatlndW aaect tatteadol btata udin Aha uU. sFooa aaut.reathMi isthaatcr, aadsai Vtbedatfie and area riaarir web. Wliaa of the aame aad af anode tmr nansi mttm. and add Bsoart sKAkBg jaa aacaptaa saatu uaMBkspaa Bommr.

taat aa iatasiafl nont waaaanawawarat at sBtttaM CttJbtt.stjrnasaaiwrri caBa wba stowed JajyaSsl ipartaena srera aah Mill asaaaiaB ia nam tha.cfaaiaaeaJa.lna. aada tlia. a Bieeeewipoai ETuanea waa alio laBcwJoomnstdetar fsirfen nfwat1nftj) eottad isKBBBpiaaaeaaxwuea naBaV1ait Ut rs TEmPZ. 4aBaanWwawa'Mea1 itrk.jV., Whatdl(tatioaaJ aanW taw faana iSaSyf a awoan Bssm.tucjiarsaao. laaet Jiiejbcaflot Aftflaa.

xd tnaraawi wjj JIHuaarfaBr (Tbc fltBJar thatMsWnPL ofaf. OT MEBSMt laBnBMBiUyt) thMrtaeririadaxantx. tbe'hrtrwfloaAi dcW.fiswbtp i nil linn imi initi est bBfcteMhhT kwiacaatarad exaetiatee regiment, tw'the'extttwgtat haswaaof maaw ttaaWaeaao, to thefacflity afforded totimatag ade.MaarenlclBwapatatmcaeatetha'Kedpter' tooales. nd la larswaa ssaaew There tnnie chadakeaat the taaarraat had test byplay at BowJoroe. napteacedSoBi the axamiaadaa; taatw ItB the Wrent maJe an aadgnmcat ta his father of htt retertteoary iiarast aadcr a aweariatw aetUemem.

At the timeheVis ettiag lata date with enaay ef bteeretfiiars, be was i coartagrrom ntanatnar arr aoewanee 'of jee. a rear. and la pay as Uewtenara aaacoatttt as WU. In 1B33, laasn. Weat, sOttraohksof Dabtta, fvmlshed hbo whh a canteecwfbr which he was charred WU TMi cafttem" I oUlataeMareb foUsoisnj hi fsrlt for UK 8rrtrief i taasuciei re.

jewellery, eeea eruwr nWrfcL iren awir, or Ion. Ia Januarr. 1833, Messrs. Buniandsold im a carnage 1 or SOL, which ta March ef the am yar he 4idfoe4K. IaJalyof the aame year he boarbt two rtm.

df Aletars. iUcbatda fur 74i, which were pawntd. la 18 lehadbougbttwogwaoof JJr. Purdar, httheprleeef Hot, ind ia 18SS or 1834 bad add than itwoW. KrS debt.

far wtflery auhaeaatot te the aadrmnent of the aforetrleaMoned irrcniOBary inirertt to ana father tmaunted woemrir7W. lUdtbuutaOarssseWsL It wae admitted that the atxin leataf thairtarsioriaryamweestweIiBe4eeerthvadyinets dtsda totbairaoreeat by his father. The msolfrof had paid abma debta, and had net bam aware ef tbe extent ef debts be inclining. A Mi, Sowjers had introdaced the msolTent to smrsl osBcra, aadntasstiuadbipi aa a person Htdy ta beenoe od. customer, tfocaers had told 'Mr.

Hays, VwcDer; of eeen strtet. on one occutatw that be weald Yrore a food customer. Jit. liars bcBr Mr. boCatr he'in be fourab't man.

He was now In Irrliad. tha aiainlAatlaai a a aat am k. jf the oppoaidoa, tbe wimeaaaa fer the tBonttew were enuneU. from the rraJaace af Mr. Kastna.

anHrit rf vnf laa. the validity of the dead of aaOgraaeat ef titere anuawy inwrtK or taa maurreni ia cne Barnags amiemem Was aatanliibed. and rarthar aoeesMd that tha aad, snorur alter Be bad gone tata the amrr, contracted a debt of Ufk. with hit. riadaoB, a tobacrooWt in Oxford ntL, which daht hia tuber had paid.

Mr. Hadaoa now OTOjaeU diadlarga as a creditor for 7., on a enbaeOBent daim. Ml Barghardt. a tailor, bad bcea paid W2l be now appeardaaacracalorforBtarlyMlc The Inaotrtnt relattd the Felhaa faeally, aad ia a nephew pf L4 Yarboroorh. The leased Csikt Costtntsfowm, after harmrmade pme apptopeiaat eaernrioDa on the rseklers manner ia whidtdaiiMwrrant had ran into debt, aaM the Cowrt wereet cBinien that Mt Hays, Mr.

Rowland. Mr. Richards, Mr. Cooka. ilr.

Pwrdar. aad Mesars. Weat. bad etahlW casea agatnat tha inaortrnt, af las hwrmg eeemarlwl the debts swwa pui rannct ocoi, not flocB the inaolTent, br Ma father, and knew the sltu tioo et" the iaaattcriS. The Caarr wools' iMm arfiuJa.

tkat the inaolTent auould not be diaeharred from the debts duete the ceediiors ba had mmilmna awtfl he should hsre been aspriioned 11 calendar BMo(hafrm tbe date ef Ml pe Dow Ottlll Health. Dinah Hatfuwav anit Itrdia Lrddle. wba were acnweheBded bv Smtth th. rJI, of ibis tatibrlsbmrnt, and eharred here few days tinee, the taa muu wm maauun, ana nauwwar ana LiTdaJt WTU riogja neat maBtitr of hneodraperr. formmc nart at tbe of Hi.

hennati Strooe, of Nea. 337 aad 83ft Oxford. rcatcadar brooa bt CD far rtrflamhiarlnei Mr. C. Philllpa and Mr.

riower atteoded respertrrdy for MIfcaTltal wanaj TtefriaaatraToitb, itwi wfl) he recollected, waa n4 4 In iweariaa ef tbe goads of the, on a fat, on the 18th I eonbet. He weaaubaecjaently taxed with baring ear'?" mMocmuM pwjfKnTmiimvmtaii. un Bislorlgtsgt bting aaaached, howeeer, a piece of Unea was roend, which icaas aaaoeaed had farmed part of tbe stock. The boose. soag aere, kBhaMted by tbe pritoner'i ia Uw, Mra, Hathaway, aad her serrsnt, Lytidle, i searched, and three boxes, containing a prat craantity of Jet of liacadneery, ckewere foand.

aad Hmhh t(m taken into cuatody. rfcbtoqaently, on Mrs. Hathawar attending at this office, with her terrain, she also given la ctitodr. Ia theoouTte of the examination of the witneaaM poof of tbe above iaeta. It appeared that Mr.

Strbnf was uhsble to swear that tbe property waa la his potaetaioa at tbe time of thcotltoner Smith's rnterinr hli hmu tiiur. ogicer had bean ia iniailun for a' week before. OnCjoJrT id which that pwapertywaa eootadned, and that those teals woe foood perfect on Mr. Hamber, the mrsaengrr to the Oimmitsioneit of Bankrupts, enjeringlh house with ike prisoner. 'The prisoners chnlth and Hathawar wm thn m.

the etidenee ef the aalidtar alluded to, aad LrddVwai dis ilaJLSoaocau STXXXT A rownr femala ef tu psrpotseasiog aaoearancc, named Jane Jordan, was yeererdar blougbt before Mr. Dtex. charred with tbe capital offence of tubbing a man named William Petdt, with intent to kill turn. Tbe BTOsacstor deposed that the oriantiiv h.rf ti.i 4.t. him be lour rears at his wife.

He wis a ladies bootmaker by buiintat, aad on Wednesday week last he seat the nrl soner to carry a atr 'of sboet home to Udr redding in Westminster, sad she retamed in tbe afternoon to Ms lodging, ia Liule Pultmey etreet, rery drunk, and wlien he monatrated witb ber she became rery riolent He left htr aloae, and when be came back be foand that she had been endearourint: to remote a onantitr ef the fumfruw. it leat ouarrel then took piece between them, aad a struggle ensued, aad the priaoner auddealf ran te the stool where he had bora at work, aad, sdring knife which he used ia his business, pronged it with all her fores into his thigh. The prisoner would then have done him farther miachlcf. but she wss tecured bj one of the ledgers. William Bacbon ataied.

that Imh. tk. acaffla ia the proaecutor'a raor, and the cry of "mwrder," wtw uian aaw louau we xiroaecutor apoa tbe Uoor, bleeding pHjCmdrtnm the wound in bis thigh, and the prisoner stsndiac orcr with las knife hi her bead. He seised ber to prevent. her ssem eooMtuttteg any further rlolenee, when she straggled most rioUady aad attempted to cot him with the knife te get awar from aim, hot be at List succeeded la sscwdag her aad wrenching the knttt from her Um tn" freqwently declared that the would do for the pcosensor before aigbL Sit.

Dria asked the oraaamtor. wharhf ha h.A recoerredfrom the dfeattof the wound The pewtecntor replied that ha tunnkmii A K. informed bf the aurgesnthat waa eerydoabtfal whether he ahoold erer recoeer the uaeef hia limb again, hfr.DTtB then asked ihateisoacr what she had te say In answer te the charge I The Prisoner replied that retdt bad taken her awar from good ckaadea te lire with him, and he bad behaved verr til teber. On the occaaiaa oueatiaa he had made see of very bad language and abase to her, and la her paettoa the did not knew what aba did. Mr.

Dxzm laid, bar that Petdt could not bare made ber lire with hfaa agaictat herwilli and aa to what she had stated ha defence, it nv no excuse far her naklnf mseof snehg deadly weapon. dm was than cowamlttad te Newgale for trial, LuisiXX jitxxt Yesterday Tboous Soniraa, Wil liam 'enidatv and Andrew Morrison, who bars bean, ta eus tedy fee the laat weak, the two former with adng etaseerned tobraakiaginSwtheCsirtom beaataettlsa right offhegth Of isevennct, bi aTM tssshng tlawdrem'eaAkHWtts and gold and tha Utter withbdraria accessory both before and after the fact, were brewglrt before Blesan. iUxpeifut and JioaTOw. lor farther traiwlBirUwi, lionr Wore the date apeoioted ef the tehaaterj exjrstaa don fha Inellne leiwi waairnaibwl hi aumata the pdaeoers (who an atatad to hare been eoneeraad fax all tbe dmdotba wbbedat ot raagaitade that hawtakanilaee la the twdrfrelUiiBidw iaet two ycaraiaad joheartbeetV ISaaBLfl'' rv FU .03 I 1 Inlahaa TTT.TfiMil li i II I. If .1 a I HeWeriBB ttendedfor the jutmmmufotmmaiabnmimitmitmuu io lruoS hatha had nat had audUant lUatw JfTT wl "WtatauiM ues.

Mti TJlarltteB. obsaretd that tha tffkil matt ataat WJ BatghOatct la detaining the srlsobers rsh4MfaaaaanJeeai i rj rfrrrr JLavt said, ukat through batiaglfoBhdln fha pnetaastai fee, iaWjIrarooaraaa' to'the at Messrs. weaton and tWwog, taroWBe ainwiqi vena tarary, no asa tawn esahleirto on 9Jm Am rclhxurVlcwkach.tBB rokhert bad aMnaWtef ai malt wheiwsaai awihe wiarot tbwTtisnTjnJceudasi da. aw. mom.

as tnat lima Jprtdea rasldod in Swansea Siiimt'iaspbesXaaet be eat hxihevhama oCJLaty.rgad srtiawaiail'bkiiaU nave JweMsxy. ue, aauwaueBny. teraorad. Vlte tiaie rew. gtoa, wnert lie saaamtaoia real taasyei aa Anmkaa raanaat.arat whiahaaa aath ktM.

the. feaaaU ktare4Jned had at dlAereaK dates de at aravwM pededa. nV ii I I it attaailaiBI wilta drasrarsia arawtiiS aa wMearasaae ef the bettMea the HWaHneal ind fwdahjeTatiirr. thsas Steunaastnaw aad be haatae doubt besaattM aiesMtber tiaa le ni at that; the fornant' wadahe sea hee ef the Other drnrmstaaeaaiwacb as the sins sis ssfisssrwarlng the de th aataana whahad hane tdtJ stolen nceoa. at erall in ffU aat then thiok proper todiaciasa, IcA no doabt en bii adod ef aemg ante cotutact tne prisoners wiur tna reeeery, us, replr gaeaden from ill Hardwire, add the charge against tha prisoner Jdstrieoa thai oi ma btanjr suoyeetad being tht penen who had eaaaad tlBi ooee, which wWend ef Ihoat ttolen boor the Cnitato bouse, WBsnwdwkar tooflinreJCBaujf a aiampoa pan, ana tnougn not ereuany tagaged la the oomnittienef the fact, then; wasstroag reaaon to taapect, from thepardes in) whose onstny he teen, that ha waa aa aeeataory hath before and after the fate." This Morriseq dealed, as well as ill paaddpadoa to the sobhery.

It waatzws, be aaid, he had oftaar aeew lartae aompapf et persons' vMssnected witb rheOasiiwnUiiirat'h fould aama ooe whewse then prrtent, Mr arreral thcrs and aa. well aa hia aauueuhn' co'k? be ether priaonexa, ledteanjuet iafercneaa. Heatoold wlah knew why the. prraoa le whom it wat said he had easaewthe sott present le girt testimony ef htt l.traitty; which he fslf Jm ceald not de, and ma bean) kept ia euatoaS wumoUunJudaa4haraesieg.i Mr. BSlinsj, a geatlemael connected wttb the Onttoa bee as, being ewora at.

the reqetat af the priaorjer Morriaeof aatd, that he had ordered tha aawabntr't man. who eauld 11MI to the identity ef Merriaan, ta be ka atterdance) but fer Meat reason ototner se out net dees. The wbels of the pritoaen, after same farther dlanrsdoe. and It appearing that Morriaoa had been bcrer' transported lor seren react, and ia what h) termed a renamed kf rrrniryiedfoe a fonatgU. rnrrloui to taeU tearing the fear, Ma.

Uarteoe tnad plicatioo fot the rceteradea two geld (lmortd pina, gold chains, and a Quaatity wtriag wfrl, 'Which were found ia the poeseaaioa af the prisoners. Mr. Adoluhot objected to aaTthsstr bdaar rfren as for tbe present they bp ht hereaAer fares an ieaponam rank ia fee onain ot ropenee sguaa tne ptlseueia. On this point the aaagiatratee left Lea to use Ms ewn discretion. Mr.

CUdtscn ehjerted le the pdeaaeri Wmgtenf te tbe Bouteof Corrertioo, aad net Clertanweti rMso torJtrsrr to the usual practice in such caaaa, aa they were, eontrsrr to law and jueuca, pwuwhed bf bong kept ia solitary eoonoement. Jri obecrrad that that wat a matter with Which tbtr (the BDafiaenunl had noaSku ta.4. TV. aoocrs, it appeared, had been ami to the House of Ccrrertion far the purpose of being kept apart, and weoeeattar uaueauai cation with aoe aaothesae ather Tawit sII4m Kl been tPermioed te see iheaa, aad he tMx. Hkrwwtek) dM hot "thai the gaoler waa cMsMarwrasu them with aocstty.

un iron uw wita tne WBoer tsntting that ifdMrcwat not aemmmerlsrlaa la the New t7taoatoxtheiaai.t.tiihouUbwagatakeBtotbe Hoeat of ferrtction. 4a a court, Parker Downrat. to at tauaa i aid t. Ymt perlttao wrder Croi teat.learMB. fitbla at Brawn, drtu LJHT XOTICXS.

VlCB CHANClXLOa COURT. lJireolji'JaM'4aak. la t. ftart t. Chan, 4rMa Mat Crowt Wamva.

itlf in ri limik 1.. i TH1 tartdietcfkTai Milae t. ditte. eat br erert Waeatkt vTioMMr. Wao4.

SUtoWttuoaM t. HrwtMLdttat, 1 llllini liiiMHMiW.ln.H.. WLlikU aonoa by unlet Bait 1mati, by orart CtmtbtD t. MarkarT ral etaaaaaw. lMoBar r.

Moffta, Snuumi Keaaall r. Iladu. aL.uriu rik WaaS GrHBtk, aeitunti Totleruy MilteriT, 10 deumrmt THiainaao Bailry, Mat Stytaa Kcwoua. tit to. ROLLS' COURT.

CuniiMAtt. la PbUJ Nr laoa. aartl utt Mn.iu laekby ot RoOwtU rU trtnoT. iamt ftnaai CotKadltt. WT Coarl t.

St. ll'i JLaaalaU PaMae Latah COURT Of UNO'S BtMCH. London Coaunoo. ftriit lutftiai a. HtnBne v.

Hia Shaw rineb Oood.ta Maarw ea r. Cadaaaa Doa, oa tk aioitfr WrlnrUad llt. Xtfcinea aad aaotbtr r. Biaalilt iriMi aid atatbtre. COURT or COMMON PlIAfL JtiodltMX faartat Jary titlf.iat t.

Ptmu t. Watu. Common Juries. Dartrtai Iraav caln t. Drarr WhttaaHa t.

DocXery Clsrb Parker Cdwirdt. COURT OP EXCHXgUWL lJeaen BteelaJ XarMt rulfpMl Ody Coakaty iewaaak PBulk hsraat Omraey rradets Gny RuaaU t. Kiwla, Craoai rtrler ConhjTT.ArrtboM Brown t. KineBallard fT Woatloa Banoa Haoaoct t. MaDBtng.

Tbt UM CMMt It Na. ailht brt. BAVKJtypTCY COURT. RitufaaAUtritt. Irior mr.

I tllliaIHM I Beniaoua Powit, fit. Helea't plata, inwlai Lut tad Caarr. Gtsai IDilnet Mr. Cammliiuntr foatutt pin.) Htnry limn, Tooley Iran nair dl rioViid it 11 1. T.

Ttrler. Utoar 'T' m.i Jl.iilrat haifaartlt. MltctirU and Mltrhrll. HlrrMtvMr Rnmilt i iiim alfKleiMlttL Cadias. Gtudamnd Co, runbary iquare.

nmrtantt tlrtota4 it half frttt 1. Jtratt Armea. Cburchro and RUekhtath. attrehjat dirViand at I Fmwit Wtidell, AllhaUoar4aaa, nottatdHaaktr dlridtnd at bair ptatl. Kicnara uny, Knw tnrct, Aiofiu, iTonmonftr arrkltaa at (Btio Mr.

Cwpmualoaar HotMYB I TVJlitrhaart Howard, and Ca. PUMtAMff li.iilii Thladltll. Samuel Dim. Burytmt, SLMarr dirMcadat It, WUltam RlcharoMMi, Oodttoot, laoVarpar diriaend at i. kHtRirrs COCRT, Ria Lio aorla 11 rku.

St. Juuaa t. kouadt Graoart r. tuba. Welch t.

Norrli Mortimer Tbomtt t. btsoa Martui tntU Portlock tixheriuton Cant Marat Tow T. Ptacby. INSOLVENT DtBTOBS'COrBT. CnoppoMd.

Joteyh Juillw Jonr Wiluam UorWr Hanry Mtsh Jorh Carter Fiedmck llenry SVttt. gpautad. Jotit Burttoynt Putin John MuRrat irunua KerridM WlUlim Edwta Caatmuia WUItatt Bat la lohti Wright Wa Utai Qibwo. Expumion er GOrrowDih'. A serlotu icddeari ecearredat Lew Cotltery on Wrdaetday ereainf late About 8 o'clock Mrs.

RuieeS had occasion te goto the garret abere. to put tome brddothes a chest there, la which 1Mb. of blast powder had beta deposited. Tbe light the held a her nana ret) into tne powder, and a moment the bouae waa a roofless rain doors, windows, Toft, and various articles of household foishurt were comp etdr blown to atoms. It la remarkable that no part of the loft remained mills but, that on which Mrs.

Russell Uf, No lives bsvi been lost, but Mrs. Russell lies la very dangerous state, ana ofhcrltgt being broken, and the other dislocated tame el ber ribs are brakes and ethenrlie Injured. Ia tbe kitchen where susne girls were sewtag, the table st which they were was blewn to fragments, yetiher suaered liule or no Injury a boy had hia bonnet blown on, bat escaped unburn The ac ddeats that so frroueady occur with guopowdee ought to operate aa a warning not to leave it en exposed placet where women and children can have access ulntttm Caewaicts. An explosion took place oa Sunday, 11 dock, at the rat works, at tbe lower end of Chatham. A roan sained ASteia, who waa the working engineer, Mb Bacon, the en gineer, tad Albern soa ln iaw, were present ta etcertatn at tbe foal air was out (the works tuning only just beta en Pteted).

and a candle below ioexutJoatlr ware. a Urn eaaadr of taa exploded, blewcd the lepef the building, end ktUed Albern en the (pot. The deeeaaed'e body new Use at the Malt Sherd peblie hriai, dees te where the eddent aappenec a ttuu cieaem. IEairti AcratreVr. Oa Mood the bofler makers ia the asnploy of Mr.

David Plei ttat, RocbdaV, wsreiatbeect of for the purpose, of rivetitur it ea.tbetuadertMe.'rwheatac tackle gere way, and the boiler ten wpoa cyeanralaa Who waa eeneata it. ana wne wat eraaaea tedesra man hutant. When the botler wu sgsin lifted from the body 1l TawseaaaiaaheeirieeT spectaela, ihehcad bdnglhtrally arreted oota tba hbdr wwihtnrniliiyeaytfCiiieTrt nAihd pefenil dry mf Ubtgexaxtwywl" tw mnch ehta.rabK, Tha wdea enat dillMiai4aTTrlmiPem aatnavaa. txra. watartsAavtav, tvtrrvtaorjrac i'ji LadygnnnVsr.

Ba. laauvf esfii 'Cnaiaa, Ub,, tlOTd bt. Wb. ltM. ir lieaweatiHlr rrv corwawtxaaae ct treu b.

Tt, T. Y. a lat. DBS' tSHSJ OanaJU)ttna' aaM4Utarr.rtt.ab. rSSfcfit Aurtthri; lib.

ctauwtvvaa.tav. He. siutih. rilftF1 TMStafticbtli tat. Iltb.

i 'Wewrarxa TMaSBMoaa, ttev. mssitL IfcarwLottILhrb ef kM asm. b. tUT. at.

M. i Ml, Twvcauntlljc tlb. EjfinftS lAllM kt. IBb. BirdUMt, lat.

IBS. Calaabw "i' aearataactt tabe avalAtdoa or bsmst tbe rhh 'xSuiaVSatftLuib. slith new. ina4u.Dc.L btfna OUW, whlab wat an abort, Sat batwrM Qgaad baangbltaat barnom artb.

Indina damata Tbet, TtTpfrneeu, TWoril from fralet ti lirer oa trrnre tt fcoothforT; bwt esparto lobreot onpext tide. Krara una to taoaiii waa tart or tat KMeoao' Caat Mm mtt. ok tbt rbkVM' taatnn bat, a4tfi Mated aiaU. rary.taalry. tbt thttttboTJirW, tadtlw JsM CiauVwadra A St UvtVtosi TkwAawaaamtwaaiiejroai Mataaaah.on aSa cb af jh Bbiehw st to tanOMttirtdayiuf HMy, Ptwttaft, Pea T.

Tbr Aetioe, from Hnt for trtblta, wtt SaaBaooadMatUrattaailrikbaiauua, brutaa thb andtbt LaadV scsijDte tvV Benuaia, from SleUia uV JSordiaus. SUSSXifSsJSASS' MAis.Dtear rThedattilBnia, watdrtndaa'theeaearef Porta dtl and taktaia tow oo tha 17h all, ia lat. M. Wna. tbt Oa iernewntng, tad oa tbt IMdehyerWtoatuoi rasarra.

Die. wortTta: ewt acwine.aintad Mart tndeiueat tbt anna bas ataat ofoa tbt Tne OtaJiettt Tbrcibartaa. arW etmreathiee, booad la Piuaa. Vtttttt KjrTtiio UniM ar ra Cttrta a aa, Daa, b. Tbt JLL, the.

Ntwauth. the WUhsm and JaamTuM Bettty 'Madtrrw rrom'at. Ptttaur( fbe Rewaar.fWnr Owiii tbt Bail. Mt Omar; bod bm Biarbnt. freat ncb ha ictoru, tna Ptaaa JUoard't Irliad tba wtt drtmi on dmrt st Odartt en Die Wi uB.

Trow. Hun, batamwd at PrrdrriekihiTrB, leaky. ard'tl land! iAaoJ5i.f Matdfc.ilba UYilhaai aaa JtartJ a.aa Ouarawy tbt AaoiXtraai BiibiM i uw Vrieatkriaa. eront WJtrbiaw XtrttbabOtmrAaaa raa Laiaraa. TTawHtt tborllawba, aad tbt Cndma, Sw iheTSlt fcvdjfar Cibnlur tad Jdojaaact tbe Naataat.

fte New'Yeeb Kte Otcexians, toe Rt, nseenrt the Printsa yfctorli. for CawtitHbt nnanK iut nornrraaTO. CutttB'OtTwihH wna Tht Tauntt. tar Mtit low Ukabttbjaw Obast ebt MttUAi. lor Pemtraham rht Duke of Broots.

few IiwiMa lit auaia. vx imano. Tatsast aeon With. ins antauuia, fom wtt taa caat of Good Hoaa. The Jury Ann.

Qor Load for tht South Sat. a tbt t.ttlMI'IWflf (it HAa i aata. met uvteaool Rneteore, off Anjarr. of tadheaaviaMrWMl lor Ubawallcaete tbe ba Sknaatia. af I I niaiaanni Bastwstddthtrat Hetlaad 'iiiblla Wuartnrd Atrd.

Cwa.i Air. Due. 1 Rratll 1 I 4Bauet Arrm I CORNISH AND jtNOTHKld XSXKX JtyjD ANOTHSK. Notwirhatsadlac tba vtrdaw evaat aetlatc at that amwiae, toa teilbae tbt nttoaftttast af at art nat to wblebi wt eoratatr we have a rlgbl by rrtority of lavtatlao, vtpledae ouotlratoo tha tar llaeealoatoVrrrnWTaav aal no doubt that rht taiut ofcoittliai and tbe baa la aanaral (auadoduaaa tnttb tad limhi Waal tdtUaawl ittaaiirat, rwacctfuur invito tbe Uadt ia aanartl loaaaaiuaieite loatiarcbwub My rnforrastVjo rn' rneii sower.ajto the maauCtetoe ef.iht ssav naa ma nutatr wwyiiiwi te Jenttarr, naa, tb Onlaaiiim tritot, OtiiiHi, AdrtrtlKinoLr For ease, eh comfort.

Colf Vtatiwttae PtruStt tread art ram. Tan extraevdiaary thathwii7 ttoutrUtvtpovaUi tbtftrttat neatt, end oraaaHutii natr emer entttetmo af' WaMnaat. and ire aarricuuuiy derhabit the baat te srawateoftheeM ail ill Wt tnad ttMtaj theirnurmabebrarttaad durtbuirreaasat. tr srsaaireo eaaoat. rats ta tatbtaawbaraauba tba baad kastaODL Mity to aU atriodt af Bh tad any ayWof nrttt, tad tht ttnaeity woicn may aonart at vaw nwi.

icuuai ncuna auaruu, aoc to ia Baat arrwiwiiine era. jn, awaseaagatt itrart eroajib rithm. oo lb Tth intt, Xn Tkoaat BldrM. erHithborrlaee oft um. kaav.

tb wrai tt btr.Tboattt Ctatdtll, of tbt Hoof aad Dalbatth Hpnaihat Ttrtm, quagxtlaay Town hill; oft lutllir. MAKKICO. in tha tn ion, bf tbt Pinttiui ate, tteond ton of B. Salornoril, Ea of Old to daurirttr of Rrmra Coff i. HaTTaTlLin.

On tbt Mb intt at I Ieitheait. by th Ra. Samatl Hoote, rettot of Poslsr, tbt Rev. John lUoW, bit ton. to Miry Aaa, tteond daucMt CfcrbtoHwr Orwton.

xtq of LHnrbouM. Oa aWttb John rUrabaw, XL R.N to Miry, react of the htrJabaFttUtr. Eat, and taurtb die ttiir of ta but InbwaPt, vltt. lata of Ctaoak Oa tbt tth tnrL.l St George rne Wartyr. soulhwars, by tht Jotia Kama.

M.A John Doririam. of St Jtmeil. WtRmuarar. EMtabMh Carbta, of Porabad ttrrara, Ntw Ktra nad, widow ef tbtltu Henry Corbub Saa, aiiataa. af Boetbaarton.

sad dimblir wrthtlateDr.Uiflov.orthebborSuVloeont. On awernmat, at sji soanr. nsryirtion, (jautensat J. crave, R.N ta Miry, ttcowd dtawhttr of Peter Sklrrer, Ktq, of Hoa. Iniiii ail rawi anil thlia nf Ha lilt tiatth Titttlitrr Kam of RemnalUiauat.

ChueOmrU. Rent. Ot tbt IthHnrL, of seopWsy, Mr. John King, of PudBn lao. etc Oa tha Itb aut at Trrtat btakottaee.

natr Ktbo. Mart, tb wtfeof Walui raton, aftat uoraring UlnaM. wbieb tbt bora with nrmtUry forttrtiat. Oa tbtbrntr, drowoed tt tea. on board tht Lord WWUm Ben tbacb.

Hr. SL Baary. aoa of tb lat LUutenantaloaat H. W. the Bombay Army, btioatd aad rccrttttd.

On Warnitrliy.tbt at Woctint bauta, acar Baanettokt, Pwbarn Wirren, Jl.D, and ii. At Waal Itb. an rb Mb bt. In Ms etth rear. John Orlebtr Root htm, tu lit Aatmnt I attar in of ArtrUtry.

at tienat. on rn srn ur, utt avu, taa wu i rfoon iy Oa Toetday, tbeaut UWL. Mary, mfiat aaaxbter of Ilr. Bluaam. Oaarfwttrtet, rUnoverquaia, arid raontbt, Tbt toy taiwt ot wjieaana aauay an eevy, sad Vsrery fetyaortt tdoinem BtrVry.

abilrb alt no. OtaarHtfcrwIy, witbou tradtsrbaiT vetvrltttedt naraed tarmt. aruelci bare ta um turuxt. UMnlna. Tbt Wheat qootulont.

There it aa btaalatllT tt tttt witbOMSawy dlffi itt of prtta. Otbtr rbctt. I Barley. 1 Oars. Man.

Floor fBaclrtbf. UM tseks. cfHUtNT HKICS or HOPS. Wibata. Osc TbtttrbttdwrMryraaraeamitb Wwnar.mdm yriee.

tt jrt S8 rrnta Bar euntatr. wiia aawoa COAL MARKET, Wnmui, Dae. t. Prit ef Coalt atr Toa at tba ebne of tb market. BraaWy Main, Ua, Id Chattel, Gi.

Sd FaUiM btaia. Us. U. rSku a.w4t aad Capita. bdrtacBrowa'l.

Bt. Si. Ditto. i aajnr.Ma. Dksn, MaaVta, SaVrantte.MUda, att.

yu ueweotii. fcL Oitt. Vtwaiarch.bbwDuwtj Nortbui rsk bC Dttto, ItKrttkTiw. Ditto, nJadeiTOw bt tuWcaa. SB.

Swlrt Pi an taw, Itt, LataWiai PrlniNti, BM MaaVta, 4 Stt. IdOtita, noTtauwiatr. It. Id. Ditto.

trlaireai ttlU Bitiyillllaimn fit. HwhV4bwd. Dtoo. etyuuta. i.

toiatonj ij. aa uuuv A yanA, an wr in Htnoa. lit to. mtto. smrtrti, sit.

ta. uilmn itarkaavl, lv d.WmWHmMrtmtHf;ra?emplm, JU Twi haSiGaobM Mill, Sualey (fiwatWoOeJari rocl CNQUSM rUMDS. QtS.AraeVJl BtarSAaatCtlfaeOl Itiaa. Wt roBtfdie art! tskxtr LtU if Betrbm. BrtaUaa fStornbuoi fiitaablta pankdu ilexiaai aareaur Baaarnu.i uaa laaalim.

MeS Htbt Utnaonat: ST Sea. SAsbttajeeWWa, MaTlta, aaaUlatak. Bar a. iet nrMM. rwrtnawowjL'atr SBB8P a Dateh, St ate Caata, Mi 1 rCabSJIll.

"ta ti cWlrVridC Hu3 SlaebStreTefSMittlt awkah baa tfLMtJ cwf inataelel.lll.ilas mi ii Loedoa Dock, tat Paiilit Ills sttaMJ tf fT f. Pa.aj.r rta.La jtj eoati uw aiu btaiatarri intataaa AM, afsa, uaaji rwutaaaaaw id alniaaltll ttlttirb ttauta'ne, BetOMabToad. ItatbwtC fbei'otattbl annnti aalammtaSMbnilBlllll 114. Until mil A faatraaiirraaaiailfaniiw, wbrre a foot af. ataST.

rtSTSt. aaearTAaan.airatt wtt.aoewaraaw. A Young; Woman, to trait upon two orroorf rt3io8' bnfioyaratbOu.rmila, tiaeatao work Kaibt natdla. aid kaa. aa aaw mil no irwrtssryuot.

utnes to a.u, ju, Trrriaouw A BjCoosi an hotel, tavern, or ocacb intr, where a kltbtaaaald hart.uiattlfmln frwort. SwinaV oaaavl titc bat jiyA WfV wbaeea kaataeead XnrtO UC1.I, Aagcl A'J 'CoTjtrfn'd'imail'Tamnr. Or Kifewrixw faj f. nobknnan'a fiiailr. roone ram aba ten bav toitd eVs rtctertroai Ike rtdt tb bat Jjstt 10.

OutM aSS, atau wiltt. A 8 L'oox in CM. jairf.s rountiy. Dunn ta M. Smith't, Tbaaeabtr inairaara, Coo gcutianxn't fxmih.

where feotaun kasc'i itliiarilli iiiaa fntn wha eab be cood tha bar in mia Mat a Qattam Iowa or rrr. Drmn to'ka Cottlra'iIiaUan wartoouta, 11, Bland trrtt. Ponaurtawtre. 48 good Plaix Cook, in towm. Dirert to C.

Mr, RJtbtX tliatt, rawodRn. 8 ewsHPrurw' CdawWfjerr i ffcxrnrn or three Bualt art Wat. a ininliiH wan aoaiia who ark hat felanairtr. Pfaretto R.B.. n.

CcrnaivrrTtet. eTfr. Urrxm "qY HTouJerhiW "where a if aitii in ii twbr.iMliitAwWiWliM'.W. who WLLtSrf5 vrres rtoviwaTArn, or vj wxtt on TOun7 nuuee, orasHtaittaiaabiiaalrjataabtkat.aiiaiitilili yawa A ''8 reran fjocsxif ato in a erxiemtrj fsmily, or uCh Id ttttaOibavlT. whan tborttaa a tbat.

attttawtbl yoaww maan, t.yatri sre. iaJtrrieeax uoocntanoi net uotiuaaiyan awaraw'Ttarr anarteftr. uwarr M. tt rrr. tttatiut, a.

Smckbnta iirttM.ntaUca. A. 8 it'jTa HoosauAiBL or to attend oa an eiderit IXXJady. htoeauuian. ran ret ut flna linan if lauuircd.

and hit in exatllent ebarwttrtnttibtrbMaalvtt Ik hy www DraltoCt; it Mm. Uuamrt imaaigatt. Cma mil. ti aianti tntia A tlocxcauw ia a sraail tin ilr, a reaprxtacie tm yauarwornin, arttX aba bat so ebwouaa te aattitubbu' rtoTd.nd rn harem uiwrettevmabl truricor from thIadyia uuwrt mrart a.P.. in ut iri, an, sintt ariari.

A flHocsCTAip in a rmall leapex'ubfefamilr, where a UM. nanailtkK.rtowjlt tatoor rki.jf'ae lat.t pas warn eti at nar attnn, and att a an PtrtcttoE.w'.. PmttJCtart. Harb iliaat.CMBOi A' UoctiMaJD, where a Tootman i kept preferred, jLl rtatartabltwaaniwaraia who tan baaitaadebaiarltreaal set JiM pUat St akiaruoa to tba tanatry. Dlran to Brawwtrtt.

Somert town. 1 UouxiMaid, where a maa eerrtBt ia kept, a XJL roane oenvaa of am ictiWtnitli ebaraeter. Caa work wall tt kir nrvdW, tad can b. rttoctaxnotu. Dlrttt I A.

Wt al ii tart, rtwia yr pav a totjir kuan tn a Rnutxoaat nnwj woct a j.n lOoctMont it vaoer latiiiiiaiiai, i roaauwtaaaa. la XT: tboraoahlr undentanat ber buthiwt, tad tan hart a ttanrtKaraeterrraai tb lady, th atahitt left. Direct hLkTBt, vaaaaOBBi. ai iiniaai aniw A 9 Ch AjrBntaAtD or Upper HousetBaid whtre no ntfrukk rmt waaua hi htt BTd brtnat eaaaelrf atnaait st mawy or tk aMtererpeetisie tawu ta London, tad aaa bar lyarraiaaateviable bar law auaw. Dittet NartoU auwaU ayU SiBawpecuble Mjn and his Wire, without encuns Wain a.

Itlaha atCaab ar Caob aad IhmaaltlMi uratil. Atnilri Ibaaata tally eatatatanttoaaawrtaka. lb duties ef an ooor serrtnt, witk tbat or bona aoa mrnart. a eferaarttnawudwfhtabrartedtu. A Twoyean' yertoos) eha awtar aabt ilwIaalCwaet ta M.M krr.

rmiMtn A' Opwt Soctant, in or out of Brery, or xingle Hiridi with twnrWbtdy or erntlniin. hi town oreoontry, ottn AS In doob ftrrryjiNT, hi or out of lirery, twi woahl Btabt Miiiwlf tBrBr aapful. a rnari man. te Srtacat', rktritt attw. Grata Dwart to W.

Mr. A 8 Footman in a small family, a young man of ret JL, later inia tonaniaaa, waa one aa a auae laiiaia nm lutpiaaa. Dawet ta JXL, Id. WtllintaT ttrraat.Watiilua btbbt 8 KarrsjAN, in town W.conntry, or togoabroxd, lltwtl'aUt )iajiwawi'awlwbaarantjtoeria rtattrnatt mi nam. intact MatrMbonadaa, OnAaTwotaaBt, ttXwboa tMBJhUI Footman ta email fkiml ni nun who i young nun Mtt a obMCtiow to hllr'i.

btkar, tt, Pratt OimuoVtia. Qtttw naart. A ftatxirr, a mamed man, without encurahrrnte, i. wbotbatamrhry aadtetttadi tb wait aw tar and brtadrog of ttocahaywM btta trciMltamrl to all htslawt or wmaM bate ao A or. to tide and.

dnre, a ste57 aidenundi kit budnea in aahodSr. Direct toWJJ547Nottk ttratt, yioarj tti at Bfmnptou. A Coachman, or Grora and VakL a respectable, IX. iteadr.iTaun4auai,sct9B,wbo baiaahetion tt towa or taontry, or to to abroad, and eta htf in anttetptktnabbi eliartetei ho taa ire bwaa htlilaaawia Dbwctto A. at Mt.

Itaitnanb. eoafkmiterOrttt Kataru ttreei. Bwotntoury. Coacjuia or, Groom, to loot after ooe or two. boewt and nak hfintau natitlW uarrtU mi tat libit yaanc aian.aa wtta teyaaar anartatar.

nwoojatuaw aanort ait lAma. Aa mi Maiiiaitlt atliii Ilr Laft ail alata HI ttnttirnei of hit terrlect not brine nroulrad. Dirtct 100,8 Mr. ataayanajpu aorary, LMiaaiai AS CoACnauy, reepectabie tmgjeraart, of domfsdc hsbrts, who anderttcndthli htifnaai, andb Waa oiiumted with tbt mnaariiwat af bonet, taa abrtbv aa Httooobitetiontotbeeoantry. Cxnwitt i ubia.

aadeaa bt writ iiiaiBaiiiiaitbytbaatJnawkebaiuttbnV. Dnwotlor BUL, at Yerwrtreet, OxtoiiUtTett. A Gboom, or Groom and alet, or to take care of a xSVSiS: aaseHnaitnkr ewll ttaeawlt ftba tnawfaarf' htYeaaanaraf krjB. UtlVJtTT I M.X. BtQtXAmTj.

4i 8 GkooMj or Groom, sad Valet, yean man, atwxa, who can Mt Uat atatr. Direct MH. respectable row, lawtt, who can hi yeartind 1 ehuacttt abMt, Direct MH. t. Mcttrt WRtte and KkbtX tr ntraf Parh wiaM.

Oified tttftt. A 8 Groom and alet, or to dnre a pair of horses, and bat no abjection to attend rh home afnilomlly, mB.arta,weaakii tuod ehanererrrara kit bwtaUaa, when a nvtoanara ana a un uwttt to 1. encttertauar. Garocnib, a jroungj man, age 8i, who perfcedy ZB tiHliiilimli babuabjaaitn all itt branrham. and can ha a rood eoaetarramtbteniinia wub whom tan bvod.

Nob)tuaa So toyhtn of grojlind Dinct to J.IX, Mr. Minh't, Cavtodkh Ntw road. Cjiabam. A' S.GxJUrjEB. a ttevly, scare, nuiried man, age XI tuidanuadi xb botoutt and rrecoJxxut, lb trwrdnc' end aruninc of will trtet.

b) rood kitchen nrdentr. snd hat 1 rood kooaled of Uyuaj out ground. Can tuva aa ancteey txmaalasharadnrram bb bat abwa. Outtac uoohjatc. Dlrarttu A.R..

Mtttta. Dtwatn tad arnari ana. BoaKatua, Surrey. A 8 Waiter at an inn, armi, hotel, or eotfeehouse, oaBWMUl.wbobal tbomaab kuta lldai htt buiitaav aad wbo eaa cite DxetOooaM reAawocat tad acHrrty if raiuirad. Duwet to tt Lwv ttlMl.

w. 1 ttn mrm. A 8 Wiitxr. p'ootman, or Lifht Porter, a young; 1 la.H,H. Hay A buiinan, 1 bar.

Dil Waitcr in an hotel, tavern, or coffeehouse, a reet to t. MtTAttbrV. truorr, Lowbtid arreet. 8 V'ABaouiXMAN, or Lnriu Porter, a respectable middle fad ml. af tobr anbaarbait btaitt.

whoeta bat erouweUrfroaihalaitataor, here br ud I rem. Direct to rirmtrt rniait. wttunaittar. rn ef. IS PoBTSR, or to take djgeSrga of ahorwe5d (.

a auamr aad eaaa, fram tb auncry. Wdimarwani ina iwiayiupn ui aonca, aoa caa wall munantudtd br 1 reotWman now bt town. Aaarrlbr J. P. at Mr.

ttaetirr. l.titaa SAEYAUCTlON. yrmebmort hirt, Muldlnex. Tif R. LEIFCH1LD has receired ritrncriejn froin btetm, Worwen and rnt" tHawvtri pirtnerthlw) toSCLL bt PUBLIC AUCTION.

THIS DAT aad Tu taunt a.Frlday, Dae. Uand wknle if th PROPBBT Vi ttwtlbaai TibnUl plot tt buiUuw erund.ianliat Imnhnld dwailmaoam witb latrinui tbaa tort liiniiai lire eintea.tubw. ehiut boiua, tad nunMTowt owt burul. Bunt tnewnol atarbln tnaby Saras artnetntttnautlicaa ranucuia, aaa ia ffww aoaanrbntafi buxa wiiitlmtwi sasorkar and wall inufbrtaraa rearaev aauaiati tail ana ittHaa. auass miaiTitarkaf deoneti un bup ehsSa4 Srjtt earttwnerl pony ehtiteTrat lotdtof warMore aUtiaoakryvaM.

atrteat tatawf btataav rkUaetandbHaab brkuaa. taantTaf WOduae tPKeewJttl oak, kaaai an i 1. Ii. rfaO. Tht aramlat air bt vwwvd It aayt vrlor to taw.

tad particulars and tattkaraai bad oa ttalijirico to WrLaraux talMCet. Kaital 1 wt. J. arwatac. W.

Tatanat trajaKBiwaweb at all aati In thaniiahtiarktiH 1 tbarr. ate; sm at. Laicrui aowta, ta, utvumrj, tiawn. Daairskl evttmtat, worth tbt tttentiaa of tmall oaitaurev wtSioff syaartoraJyatrt. K33KS, rllWOLKaiKJ WJNlhinittl nxn debate.

Mar the tarbaike, to Warwertb tSeWaMeftaal fewer taaayw ret tba wm. J. OWJiM wiM 8KLL, fiaual PaJtl of MOCBti af UbVi front ItUwroo and laawj ataaiei tiawbelaaaf aunodartavaalhl 1 utt aod, drawbf baaea rand. seasn atba. eoaaawat aaaatavawnj anaar aadtV.mfNijjM es' a swaaanoaa acI.nd 1 le cJvJaiei ton Juwce mI tmJtllm mm fc Vl a iunpnaaznAnAtatcm.trt Ab hwbAerio bat BE I I.

dHTtn hat kb baa awaaataaTnTal ta wai ia aatanatitatai ni aiiaa a fSSSSSSSSiSrSSSSHTJS. ESggssggmasssm nii eBbuptisju latui wre tm iaj, abi axBiraawliaasil Jtwkwvbraae lFJi rtrata, 4 rh trrSHj teanJ. ayX fwauxraw. rJaTiT BtrJedftde waa btioei nPHB Lraeevroodwm. ndili I tbtaa aad)LtarbwaabattMUt SJPtrpisal Ww Tba dmswea at tbt tbnat otahaeS ran wwaatenaaat, and tMataet or a soarpttttii yrto mttaiav taaadabaiuiiiaf aonaSBad eateaU MabawWawddUakidnaHa tBQS.SSv JL eaauaandbwj fi 1 swm h.

ra. prrATii Waul indWar atjolaina. bt front of tb NrMWTeat fgi tSrV areat la addjawauaaw as tb aaatbwaf Mil It etrryln on ta exitutfe tad vry nodtabi rataiTrrad. Tbt aa wvbwawtmaaCtxnaaladinwwidlil Seawief wiabTwW kathw ywn alart bat kaan mj mdttbi niaaaccthaat apjauaai ma eatartWmmotolhgurmawlaiaonilbrt, Mlf bt twttdi tMd pxrtbmawabtdaa the fiiwilin at. flirt net Vs tad Msbr auetionarr, al, tttnrtMurrt, ritrc ttran.

cofVrt PviueLbonti, eeesef of AlBnetoa tumt. Sta By of Mi. JOHN Sttawaaar' Date of Vik vhuc4iont I tame, TwnhaJI raad, fTrabon. bite hamuli ait kttaa BHtfftv tod Xirani aroafa By lltlUt aVoataua nrrowfD. aaaaaianaa.

aaa. wnaii aatwaalaa. TXeeOcet fuSyrlatd basuwtt, irerterncUbuntof tarf arraMatST rwbtan Waal bit III rtarttt Calrataax bbrri tb tidi aC rultaj 00. th arrauMt; at Caraways sad of. the aitlimm.

ay Jjoaitfbiie FamSiawv Harattt, tad gSrcet, Hlbea4y Wr. tlf OkC BadlliliMld lti.rb.1ll laiaa1 worrua; It, endtt a daenaa far has 1 COMPKJSlNOWKarsaw 4po brsrattada; fcatner tola, chain, airarinrCtalt iotrd, twr indarvtain rlmii, ebeaoaf tiawan. rttataf ktaaMaowntad atkliamai, itabtV Wttataata aad' atber eaVrtt. ay at viewad tb mora of jahvandio beottiad aa ft My. ibtiMrtt bad aa tbt pnontas, aad af Mr.

Ttataa, fitadairotliouarboU. nuaJuntBy.blaaaaJ.CURirTll. aad turn, tt rarrr irtat xoom, sjae ttraet, tt. iiwaii tatara, IaPJTAL rnodcrn Household KJ tmr ttt laay, tniiod from KalgbttUldawi laibtlo of 1 aw af dariw nbV and nbaux. diaabia 11111 bii ttrbi aaaVabaaaj; ii'utiiati tad at Ima.

nd bag rouai TuroicaTa, kltetida vtnaua. ewaw tbiaa. aad U. fc ba. May Willi ataad talam att bad.

ra Uutanan aad ochMa. Irak and i I. ana, Jt a ilmr'i stura, wtos nV tltMUHH. Lye.

Mt. John MUNDR b)fin eai raaakriea, km luout ltM aweet SHIRTS. It Sa eabco diUo, II aoam atilart, Mtbt tad M(h (rba. or niaiar, eaawj towaU. OnaanytatUiu.

ihoiiiuai, lutwit tnllaat, Sawaml ana wm. To bt vWwad. md ctUbvuet bodTWaTTiriaaiZ" Kiaior, LiDwiKcoari, i niiiiuiai nil mm nail at. Wataarl lata, St. ttadathall tiwl tv.i.i THlllh E8SR8.

OXRSTAti SON wffl SELt br AUCTION, tbdr taaciata Hooom. Cfard ttiarr. pridty ant, tt 11 roe rmoin neat nOUCMOU.f VJLWb HE; mcludin k'ndaam roarwood cbalrt. lots, ottoman, md t.ariwntM mdaaicrtar taa aara laaaw, ittiaai. oaanaar waam "www, aiaina panawr uiaa, at BMVacau, Btadryaeubbj HIKardiabta, witb rata.

mw 7aktajbor rarai irwheaaar wardcobt, tbttat. at diawatvoaa) wad aa htdtteadi and lunrtn. atttaoee bridlnf dta.1 crab Uu tttnt irunabwBaaaa, aatiaaSW nrwaawaavaaal hnrirw indovHWin of wMrwbn catilorwet tad'rtttt' to.Tww atr ino.evwine ot wwwnan eatilornrt may at hat. Cootramrnt pf Orleroil faiatinas. od Chin.

Vaaman Cuav a laM TVTwttnro, Canines, sncfwiteetlant rtn ltttat tattrEJa faan rb tToaxunntr, it abattaettabv MESSRS OXKNHAM and SONwffl SELL be AUCTkON, at ttwW, widow Saowu. an, mnadaiai aa 1 1 CoSxTTJOXof bfntSjSirHctvSti. theuSSaat ttate. well drwrrrn tb atttntkni of the tad tad asaaobwaxzlav Wtbtt'CBWiar aeni A. Starck T.

Verber i.Tavmr ClriaXwat Ptank aad aVaaehaart Pwtrr Rout Waterloo C. Vowk Khntt RavkkeH Cwaalttfi tSr and euuty. ether of the Patch. FIewiih.aad ItaBsa rtirsh: ahtC DrtaitnTBarnn, iicrnbnr, r3 aU Oriat paeatltla, haawinaV rat tarrlott, aaaoai, vawa. aad leniaa.

atiitwd asa VtaaOas ebwaa. ttatuq and lJ ttt inn tiibt.aif ubn tiiaii.l atnerncra ra uivr, mt. 1 ot rev oa aonoay aaa raaaeir lea. eedme tod BMratneof aue, wnea cataioauat etay bt bad at tha naaar' b. j.c: stfeYiNa Tfttsitx urren aiRDS.

naaltl abaUt, BiDttaK aoat aad, dWtt laou tad intt awne untcn win vtriar trttwattnaant tarn av tewanosa inUuUiawCoHHt.andJloaaa aoalary, boaaa, til lii 111 tm, watehei and NwrQery, eapunl aicsr wfli aawakeZ iryW liMniaiaitiroeba. Miy Wvlriwdtbadat Vrbinv turrlu. Tin brr. ro th bnildttM of iril aa abrat tad nnailb; aaauarabt ITHXJmux, niert, Cwebanl Haai f7 NGL18H and African Oxk tdtare JLd bulldm, taraantert, aadfltawia. vol.

ttaUal tawh tt ttwaw EaaTan oak Mat. SnaJtah and. AXlMB aak ilabt, aaawM aad IbXawof ranout dnatnuont, uiubl foe elown, Iwflitatift rattaryant I Mniflalnajn yaghr. Me. Msybe' Aaaat.

Bdlaantani Ftrla Hatta, and ami AXbaa aak. tlakt, aJawat aad ban) of at tot enclone, ladlaauaUrtUtarvani. rtww LinnubBk Mr. MOOQtoit, etwtyr Boa. Btrtbai swta aftbtiailiiiii.tra.tbilaaaM a 1 aaal ia ma.

rja. 11. ar rrHT Taluible JUw LihrxrTo" JjL. umiUIi oaabtry olWlort: ii itlu tina Til maun liiiiim if I tun abkni il aaiilii to I Wm. rtnert Abtlda ineet and Sntpbjmcat Bjiatiuuil.

Jaratto. aad Barton Con 1 aw la; 1 Mowabb Stat TMabtr tie Alkwaa. Paata Ta kitL, On ham, RuawU. Jtuaaiiriai, Br Daa. fliib, ncmid.

Addinu. Campbell WoUT bbutarCwr lUf" wrrww, iMtoa, ewwywr. unrnrura taw mttu im. Buwewall aad abbitaa Wtit filial Crttwu, BamcwaU and adalabaa, Adtlabut andlUb aaim bteksaT Paul, aaa nwwn lot h. iimihi naa.

Candurt ttrtwt. Furnirar, Pwr andChuoiwy CLaatt. Bouaa. rwta. etcwPrbwa, ar fiaaotbrttt.

Otaa, Uat. and ESVnVr Mt, TOWN, at bw Aaeeoa roonv Bt. ftailae tnait. ftnndiiau. ea ini THE gmniae.

Ilooscbald FnrairjarB aaoat. tmf. and ntbar had, biiltia, il.B dte chamber nrrmrttre, mahogany dbimg, trtaknat, eaoLindapde ttbbw.ajfat.dwraeind dmwaW room bBrt, nraniM o1aMBaan. wtadow aaaaata. Utrhan liilltt aaa atbar May terarawdta Wtdaatday and aattBawof aMtaaabajMkai TownoOti, It, Cowautttrtt.

I Di Siakcrj, Tii TVthKR wfll SELLbyAXJCTIOy; 111111BI, a. uciiu tuvti, 110. this yar. tataabaVdar. at UtUr ll ttacwaf.

wfebwat rba ay ctuai a n3W.aawewaat ah whola of bt vahttbl ACUI USA onmiker: nailnlm of aa a larrikirap beweb tadaeeawtL mbaba.itwnina dtrto. Ikmt. af 1)1 11 I ill ill wbtBlMyafaoaatediua, lewt. af alatad rUiaa, and danwq wtoW. Tt Mir ebtaeae look.

ornament, in hutloa diouieixAntaut Utront, tor erma nrttt aroo, eroai niax noro. 2 Dad dinar MO treat ataua djtlo, tataarrof sab roroXbuckbs.rni.akajibri.bc.i tbewbobtaf To Buttonm tkm. Vf ESSRS. 1 TJL tm tb. Pr 1 miulii ISL and iomi raanrva.

ikniat. tba wkoh of bt vahttbl ACUI SIX it Trait Buttoumiker romdttaw of aa bbtlon ditto, I iwa, I arrtkaw. eaena canine dktn, battim hub, twrarae 133S1 tmmtatm mail ladudmc ibow, caata, mahortny 09 and alto tb Muaebnld fumtturei nromynaine row pant; warbliitla. aowrTuMjad, drawert, kitchen uaitwf Mam. Ml atttto.

W. andC. ot. kwutf I ta. j.

utiiranajurii Wnnincbam tad of rb a PUtr, CoU Rryeatrnc Wateh by Flyna. Booto, rmdnei, Prian. cjaoeavt, ruao, vrawn. uace wuBBM. aa inautotaw ranucur tbt aiuaruj tbc lat A.

ail. Bto, vBy T.aat R. ROBiysoSTon the Prembat, No. g. Yorkltcr.gtkii jtawt, 'w uiv mv mt THEsiaeboard of modern Plate uwnpiistt a fall dinner, dctarrt, and tea ttrriot, rarjdlttriekt, bt Tht Hbrwy hwiadcvtmonacMbcrraiuabieworkj; aaa ttwatii jn, Raaf Cytb acdU.

Todd't Jahnan, Kerr Pwtart Trartli, Anoual aotW ytuuuniy itmrr, a urwtn 1 am ana mvwrnima, lv DtnaH'r Oncntal Scenery Giktrle da la Docheajt dt (kadi tatrartki tJwytlopalii anrn inwi, itb tiiaaietttnii Owlower hakrtear tht wtrti of Johraoo, rtobrrttoa, HaawSibkaa. rd UmaVo tha (fauaical and rawulr Ubtaew. Ira. The akitiw ckicdy cca itof lTicitallai.TPaat.Wi1,,i,M. I1I1 If mta.

Stanwyck. R. du Matt, Ctrio Mtntti. Lawa. a.

Murland. few thai nrrata, fnuaad ind arttra, cabinet yiaaa toctcoad cntmmr tena, wwa 1 waatuttnotr najvemanu, a yanaia, rrwriaa awnu, ana npxawan nw indaam cam. 1 he iwowrur town aw 11 ami arwwaw nrj, biim. mML um! UhcATT HUtM of tartt. CUCartM.

ttalB. tofu. ublet, erwnrjoJert, eoranett, aad booketjet, ta rowoad asa attay, alt or a tupcrwr docka. or mourn, tinam tad ennm atawwa. j.

Uth tbnwoUc, bnBuml eriiedcUen, alatkeiUmni cbwmiM by by by 7 by je, 3 by BVind by hTTwrajai thcr nardrihet, tad 1 reoemi imilwinr tf rxreBant bed mow fumtttrc. wim laintalie aad kibrkew mufatita, Ta tbrwed aata Saturday tad Monday tmrtoui to tht talc:, at. bad on th tad of rb incrbmicn. Brvtt Oaten itrart, LkMomVbioBala.

Tb aaWrtbl realame la kt hi aal llw ararat.wwb trwruinituratracaiiBtobtBUJatteakiielaa. EVERSFIELD rrxnectfully aanourrces, tbat the InyVm iy A bee. If 1 SAU of BU1XD1NO MaVCRULS, bt Ony mi tdvr. tited in tba wd other ttacrt, for mi lib day will NOa TAKE rujtl a. I.

unacniwwwfs ft irtatii a'rirdrm, ihe lit Tobuam of Boat, it 111 1 1 1 mM' rwrwitor. Prmti and Paratmes. cat Cmnv Cham, am, pfdatof Vf ACHLN, DEBENHAil, aad 8T0RR wffl iTl SELL, at tbrir II nam I. XJoe rtrart, Cbtent mtdai. morruw.irraUr.ltba Uth af Dmwiace, at 11 'tort, aa exsaaawt tod TihubM lananblae of FORXCITID PR6ltRTY ttaea nw of alctc, nntcbet, rant, W.

abnod toots, watrSntbjod.ker. trymara. anradjaatry, tuba, aaba laafuwat, llnml wbtwb ihnt mi i iirarmtdatiliai ii finliimiili itiwil bnr arnrti. boumnaid himiuim. tibia tad bed liacn, aianaiitiaii Fvmitur.

Prxmrt, ad Cffectt AiJbtwMcbrtct. BSSRS. ELCOUD and WARD wiU ELLtT Vteewa ITwI ma Jl av, aaavabeayrtmt RUUSi" FL'njiruKafutuaatiii inili a alnn rkwNjd wla arvl rma. iimimithi nnnaaa. ana aOBBttn

Am tbttotbtindVrra ind other iitafck rJaw tb aitmlttt. tbwltan inirm. To rtrwad on nnwaaf ml: uraloawaejt tbt boat I indafBanot. Cavseas Wtru. St, aTlasanm aratr TO tmtmnara.

Bail ia lit rt. Pnatart, and Br CO 1 (La. at an uaonu. mmoonuu, efawana 1 1 1 THU DAY, Doe It, Ua ctock trnoarty, rUbvwt wnwra. PTHE endre Stocki taken under aa uecnnoB, coa X.

writiiie 3t mail ofwrmne sndtbtTatrfS. tt hwatn. I teaoani knit. a. anrBbm, wnmie.

tad deawmebaokt. and dwiara ev Una.ea eattKabr MSSJjadtrfkaokiW erawtfmri. me hr TKab TirlbM III BBBamllmir frakasa. Ifesa ldaK iuwa 'Ot. of Art, fereicn itnaoxtatic Cateattlliawhilf Fanwcar.

PV Lilian imti.aaf I stfcwots, aTmgnJlTtjrwt jteraS, onumralnL, and 1 nmy aV mtilatam tjtrl at rb taoma. 'T I 8 L' 11 Tj32i JLati le croa )v wtiT" Mft c4v. sSfcsf'l egs im'..

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.